Arc Volunteering Opportunities

Arc has many volunteering opportunities that you can receive AHEGS recognition for. 

Arc Goes To - Facilitating friendships on trips around Sydney

Bike-ology - Fix and refurbish bicycles

Culture Cafe – Celebrating different cultures through food and large cultural events

eReuse - Refurbish and rehome used tech

Food Hub - Fueling your body and mind with free food hampers and recipes

Phil'- Fundraising for sick kids in hospital

Producers - Gardening and growing fresh produce

Shack Tutoring - Tutoring disadvantaged youth

Stationary reuse - Giving old stationery a new life

Suggestion Box - Get feedback from students and improve campus life

Street Team - Make friends, host fun activities and promote campus life

Wellness Warriors - Making campus a healthier and happier place

Volunteers United - Give back, make an impact for a range of causes

Blitz - Podcasts, video and lifestyle

UNSWeetened - Contribute to our very own Literary Journal


  • Accredited by UNSW Advantage = Yes
    (For recognition on Australia Higher Education Graduation Statement)

Availability of activity

All year round, Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, Term break

Type of activity

Community volunteering

Interest area / Advantages

Value diversity, Foster collaboration, Connect globally, Champion sustainability

Skills required and/or developed

Cross-cultural & global citizenship, Event & project management, Interpersonal & communication, Team work & networking

Contacts and more information

Check the website for all updates on applications and deadlines

Contact for further information

[email protected]

[email protected]

For more information about co-curricular activities, see UNSW Advantage.

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