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Where do I class register?

Ready to register in classes? Click the button below to head straight to myUNSW. If you need help with the process, read on!

Register now

What is class registration?

Class registration is step two of the two-step annual enrolment process at UNSW. It is when you will select the classes for each of the courses (subjects) that will you be taking at UNSW for the upcoming term. This will confirm your enrolment and create your timetable. 

You must complete this step for all of your courses, including fully online courses, internships, research and honours courses. If you don't do so, your courses will be dropped.

If you haven't completed step one of the two-step annual enrolment process, course enrolment, you'll need to do that first. Learn more.

When can I class register?

You will be allocated a Class Registration Appointment prior to each term of study. This 'appointment' is the specific day and time from which you can start to class register. We will send details of your appointment to your UNSW student email. You can continue to make changes to your classes and timetable on myUNSW until the enrolment deadline for each teaching period.

How do I class register?

The entire enrolment process (from accepting your offer as a new student, through to course enrolment and class registration) is outlined in the video below. Click play to watch the section on class registration.

Further step-by-step guides on how to class register are below. Separate guides are available for UNSW Canberra, Research and Postgrad Online students.

Class registration step-by-step guides

Add a class

You can make changes to your classes and timetable on myUNSW until the enrolment deadline. See Enrolment Dates for deadlines to add and drop courses.

1. Access your enrolment basket in myUNSW

a) Log in to the Update Enrolment section on myUNSW.

b) On the Year Selection page, find the row that indicates your current program for the year and click Update Enrolment:

Screenshot of the Update Enrolment section of myUNSW as described above.

c) The Course Enrolment page displays the courses you are enrolled in. Select the upcoming term to see your enrolment basket:

Screenshot of the Course Enrolment page as described above.

Step 1 troubleshooting

Can't see your program details for the upcoming year? Please contact The Nucleus: Student Hub for help.

Can't see the courses you're enrolled in? Make sure you have the correct term selected.

2. Choose your classes

a) Click Select Classes:

Screenshot of the Course Enrolment page as described above.

b) On the Class Timetable page, choose classes for each of your courses from the options on the left-hand-side.

Tips for choosing your classes

  • You will notice that each course has different types of classes listed, including lectures, tutorials, web delivery, seminars and labs. You must choose an option for each class type.
  • You can use the Filter Classes section at the top of the page to restrict your choices, e.g. tick the box beside particular days if you only want to see classes offered on those days.
  • You can select Auto Timetable at the bottom-left of the page to choose all classes automatically. You can then change some or all of the times if there are alternatives available.

Screenshot of the Select Classes page on myUNSW as described above.

c) When you have chosen all of your classes, click Select Classes:

Screenshot of the Select Classes page on myUNSW

Step 2 troubleshooting

You might receive an error message when selecting your classes. If this happens, make sure you have:

  • Chosen all class types for each course.
  • Chosen class times that do not clash.
    • If class times appear in red, it means the times clash and you will need to change one of the class times. If there are no alternative times available, you can submit a Timetable Clash Request to see if the clash can be approved.
    • If class times appear in orange, it means that the times clash but the clash is permitted and won't prevent you from registering in the classes.

Screenshot of the Select Classes page on myUNSW with two classes in red, indicating that the class times clash.

3. Confirm your class registration

a) Click the drop-down arrows beside each course in your enrolment basket to check your class details. To proceed with registration, tick the box under Select? beside each course and click Confirm Enrolment Request

Screenshot of your enrolment basket as described above.

b) On the Confirm Enrolment Request page, click Submit Enrolment Request:

Screenshot of the confirmation page as described above.

You should then get a Success message:

Screenshot of the success page as described above.

Your updated enrolment basket will now display two green ticks beside each course that you have successfully enrolled and registered in:

Screenshot of your enrolment basket as described above.

If you do not have both green ticks next to a course, this means that you have not completed class registration and you are at risk of being dropped from the course.

Swap classes

After registering, you may want to swap a class you have chosen. (See Swapping waitlists if you want to swap to a full class where waitlisting is available.)
Note: These instructions are for how to swap classes. If you want to swap your course(s), follow the instructions to swap a course.

1. Access your enrolment basket in myUNSW

a) Log in to the Update Enrolment section on myUNSW.

b) On the Year Selection page, find the row that indicates your current program for the year and click Update Enrolment:

Screenshot of the Update Enrolment section of myUNSW as described above.

c) The Course Enrolment page displays the courses you are enrolled in. Select the relevant term:

Screenshot of the Course Enrolment page as described above.

2. Swap your classes

a) Click Select Classes to see your current timetable:

Screenshot of the Course Enrolment page as described above.

b) On the Class Timetable page, choose your new class times. Your new class will appear in grey, and the class that you are replacing will be in faded green. Click Select Classes:

Screenshot of the Select Classes page on myUNSW as described above.

c) Click the drop-down arrows beside the course in your enrolment basket to check your class details. To proceed with the swap, tick the box under Select? and click Confirm Enrolment Request

Tick the box to select a course and click 'Confirm Enrolment Request'

d) On the Confirm Enrolment Request page, click Submit Enrolment Request:

Click 'Submit Enrolment Request'

You should then get a Success message: 

Success - you have swapped for your classes.

Your updated enrolment basket will now display a green tick beside your new class:

Click the drop-down arrows to see the registration status of each class.

Drop a class

You can't drop classes.

If you want to change a class time, you can follow the steps to swap a class.

If you want to drop a course, follow the instructions to drop a course.

Need help with class registration?

Before contacting The Nucleus: Student Hub for help, try some of the following:

  • Check for common enrolment errors.
  • View the class registration FAQs below.
  • Read the troubleshooting tips in the above step-by-step guides.
Contact The Nucleus: Student Hub

Class registration FAQs

How do I check my timetable?

a) Log in to the Update Enrolment section on myUNSW.

b) Find the row that indicates your current program for the year and click Update Enrolment:

Screenshot of the Update Enrolment section of myUNSW as described above.

c) The Course Enrolment page displays the courses you are enrolled in. Click View Timetable:

Screenshot of the Course Enrolment page of myUNSW as described above.

Tips for understanding your class timetable

  • In the top-left-hand corner, your can click personal iCal link to download your timetable. You can then import it to your preferred calendar app.
  • Your timetable view on myUNSW will default to the current week. You can use the arrows to view previous or future weeks.
  • Each class is shown with some key information including the time, the course code, the weeks in which it is running, the class type and the location.
  • Class types are listed in their abbreviated form. Some common abbreviations are:
    • LEC (lecture)
    • TUT (tutorial)
    • SEM (seminar)
    • WEB (web delivery)
    • LAB (laboratory)

Screenshot of a class timetable on myUNSW as described above

What can I do if my class times clash?

While choosing your classes and creating your timetable, you may inadvertently choose two or more class times that clash:

Screenshot of the Select Classes page on myUNSW with two classes in red, indicating that the class times clash.

If class times appear in red, it means the times clash and you can't choose both classes. You will need to choose different class times that don't clash. If there are no other class times available, you can submit a Timetable Clash Request to see if the clash can be approved.

If class times appear in orange, it means that the times clash but the clash is permitted and won't prevent you from registering in the classes.

Do I have to choose classes for an online course?

Yes, if your chosen course is being taught online, entirely or in parts, you still need to choose classes to finalise your enrolment. For online courses, simply follow the normal steps for choosing classes.

Why do I get an error when I click Submit Enrolment Request?

There are several reasons why you might get an error when choosing class times. If this happens, make sure you have:

  • Checked the list of common enrolment errors.
  • Chosen all class types for each course.  Remember that each course has different types of classes and you must choose an option for each class type. Class types include lectures, tutorials, web delivery, seminars and labs:

Screenshot of the select classes page on myUNSW, highlighting the different classes required for a course, as described above.

  • Chosen class times that do not clash.
    • If class times appear in red, it means the times clash and you can't choose both classes. You will need to change one of the class times or submit a Timetable Clash Request.
    • If class times appear in orange, it means that the times clash but the clash is permitted and won't prevent you from registering in the classes.

Screenshot of the Select Classes page on myUNSW with two classes in red, indicating that the class times clash.

All the classes for my course are full, what can I do?

You can join the waitlist for your course or class. Visit the Waitlist page for more information.

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