UNSW Advantage is the official body that assesses and recognises co-curricular activities and professional development opportunities available at UNSW. These opportunities are designed to enhance a students’ skills, knowledge and experiences to develop themselves and their confidence. The activities are formally recognised upon graduation on the Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement (AHEGS). The AHEGS is a representation of a student’s ability to positively impact society and can be used in job applications to showcase achievements.

UNSW Advantage

Advantage ensures a high standard of excellence across all experiences throughout the university. The types of opportunities include: 

  • clubs & societies, committees and councils, competitions, community volunteering, development programs, entrepreneurship and innovation, mentoring 

The aim is to highlight how participation in co-curricular activities increases a student's ability to develop and demonstrate the Seven Advantages of UNSW Advantage.  

The Seven Advantages

The UNSW Advantage is that our graduates become leaders who:

Serve society

  • Knowledge: increase their understanding of service to society 

  • Engagement: develop their capability to serve society 

  • Social Impact: apply their ability to serve society 

Value diversity 

  • Knowledge: increase their understanding of the value of diversity 

  • Engagement: develop their capability to value diversity 

  • Social Impact: apply their ability to value diversity to benefit society 

Foster collaboration 

  • Knowledge: increase their understanding of how to foster collaboration 

  • Engagement: develop their capability to foster collaboration 

  • Social Impact: apply their ability to foster collaboration to benefit society 

Connect globally 

  • Knowledge: increase their understanding of how to connect globally 

  • Engagement: develop their capability to connect globally 

  • Social Impact: apply their ability to connect globally to benefit society 

Embrace change 

  • Knowledge: increase their understanding of how to embrace change 

  • Engagement: develop their capability to embrace change 

  • Social Impact: apply their ability to embrace change to benefit society 

Champion sustainability 

  • Knowledge: increase their understanding of how to champion sustainability 

  • Engagement: develop their capability to champion sustainability 

  • Social Impact: apply their ability to champion sustainability to benefit society 

Continue learning  

  • Knowledge: increase their understanding of how to continually learn 

  • Engagement: develop their capability to continually learn 

  • Social Impact: apply their ability to continually learn to benefit society 



The Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement (AHEGS) is a secondary transcript issued to students when they graduate, that provides a snapshot of their graduate achievements. It aims to enhance graduate mobility and employability in the global marketplace.  

Section 4 of the AHEGS contains a list of co-curricular activities recognised under UNSW Advantage completed by the graduand at any stage of their degree. The name of the activity, the position held and a description of the position is listed.

Why get involved?

Showcasing co-curricular achievements in a meaningful way alongside the formal degree provides graduates with a competitive advantage as they enter the workforce. The university encourages all students to participate in a broad range of experiences and staff members engaging students in these activities to be part of a university wide effort to support and recognise our students through this process. 

UNSW Advantage: 

  • Creates a vibrant and world class co-curricular experience for students. 

  • Widens student participation and engagement in quality co-curricular activities to enhance graduate mobility and employability. 

  • Supports all areas of the university in providing co-curricular professional development opportunities for students. 

  • Ensures all university professional development activities and positions undertaken by students are formally recognised on their AHEGS. 

Contact the UNSW Advantage team if you have any questions.

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