At uni, you'll be emailing tutors and course convenors regularly. Get into the habit of using good email etiquette early on so you can resolve issues quickly, establish good relationships and demonstrate effective communication.

Make sure the subject of the email is clear, professional and relevant. Include a brief summary of what the email is about, along with your course code (if the email is course-related).
Good examples
✅ Question about Assignment 1 for LAWS1234
✅ Request for meeting about MUSC5678 assignment feedback
Bad examples
❌ Hello! Need your help.
❌ MUSC5678 problem

Open with a greeting (e.g. Hello or Dear) followed by the person's title (e.g. Dr or Prof.) and name.
It's best to use a person's formal title and name until they indicate otherwise. They might cover this in class, or you can check how they sign off on their reply email.
If you don't know their formal title or the correct spelling of their name, you can check Moodle, the UNSW Staff Directory or look them up online.
Good examples
✅ Dear Dr. Li,
✅ Hello Prof. Green,
Bad examples
❌ Hey Claire,
❌ Hi, I need help.
Body of email

Write politely and concisely. Avoid informal SMS language (e.g. btw or tmrw) like you would use online or with friends.
Make sure you clearly outline what your question is and the steps you have taken to try and find the answer yourself.
Make good use of paragraphs and bullet points, rather than one long paragraph.
✅ Good example
I hope you're well.
I'm in your 3pm Tuesday tutorial for ARTS1234, and I have a question about this week’s task.
I've reviewed the lecture content, the course outline, and the discussion forum on Moodle but I'm still unsure if I should select my own topic, or if it will be assigned to me.
Can you please clarify for me?
❌ Bad example
Should I pick my own topic for my ARTS1234 task, or will it be assigned to me?
Sign off

Keep it short and polite, and thank them for their assistance.
Include your name, zID and course code (if you are writing about a course).
You might like to create a signature that will appear at the end of all of your emails.
✅ Good Example
I appreciate your help.
Full NameARTS1234
❌ Bad example
First name
💛 This guide has been adapted from an original document developed by the UNSW Arts, Design and Architecture Student Experience team.