The fellowship program is designed to enable two UNSW graduate law students to undertake the clinical component of PLT while working in the specialist Human Rights team in the Civil Law division of Legal Aid NSW.
The fellows will support the Human Rights Team to undertake its regular casework in core areas of practice including intentional torts, anti-discrimination law and administrative law. They will also prepare reports to the Legal Aid NSW Human Rights Committee (LAHRC) on applications for aid that raise significant public interest human rights issues. There is also scope for involvement in strategic advocacy, policy and law reform, training and community legal education.
The student will be paid a salary for the period of the fellowship. The fellowship is for a period of 26 weeks.
Two positions are available with expected start dates in mid-March 2025 and mid-September 2025, respectively.
While the successful fellows must have graduated from their degree prior to commencing the fellowship, this information session is open to all students at any stage of their degree, who may want to find out more about career opportunities with the Human Rights team at Legal Aid NSW.