Students with an on-campus, in-person exam must attend the campus to sit their exams.
Students need to bring a laptop for all on-campus Inspera invigilated exams.
Students should still feel comfortable wearing a mask, but it is not mandatory (please refer to UNSW Covid 19 advice).
Students will be required to lower their masks when student identifications are being checked.
For more information on how you take your exams, please visit the Exam Delivery information page.
The following two items are mandatory for you to complete your on-campus invigilated exam:
- your UNSW Student ID card. This must be a physical copy. A drivers license or passport will also be accepted, these also must be physical copies.
- a pen or pencil. There is an ID form that will need to be filled out, and in some cases Inspera exams require written answers.
In addition to the above, the following two items are mandatory for you to complete your on-campus Inspera invigilated exam:
- a laptop. Visit the calculators and computers page for more information about using your own laptop and other hardware requirements - including your charger (although access to power in your exam is not guaranteed). If you are unable to bring your own device (BYOD), you should arrange to borrow a laptop from the Law or Main UNSW Libraries.
- your smartphone. This is a requirement as part of a routine login to exam systems that are enabled with SSO/MFA policy. Visit the MFA troubleshooting page for more information.
You will be advised on your exam timetable which of the following can be taken into the exam room:
Examination materials as specified on myUNSW via your personal exam timetable.
- any textbooks or notes (hard-copy only). For open-book exams, you may bring any hard-copy materials into the exam room: any textbooks and/or notes (printed or handwritten). This does not include calculators or computers.
- a calculator-UNSW approved. Your calculator must have a 'UNSW approved' label. (See the separate page on approved calculators.)
- a calculator-other. Your calculator must be internally powered, silent and non-programmable with the memory cleared prior to entering the exam room.
- a hand-held computer. This excludes a notebook, iPad, tablet or similar. (See approved calculators.)
- notes as specified. Annotations, tagging and/or highlighting are not permitted unless specified.
- molecular models.
- special materials as specified including drawing instruments such as a compass or protractor.
- textbooks as specified. Annotations, tagging and/or highlighting are not permitted unless specified.
You may also bring:
- a mouse, an external keyboard or stand. This will need to be checked by supervisors at the door.
- wrist or hand-held watch. Note: All watches must be placed under your desk, on the floor.
- pens, pencils, rulers and erasers are permitted, but all answers must be written in ink except where expressly required. Pencils may be used only for drawing, sketching or graphical work. Pencil cases are not permitted in exam rooms. Pens, pencils, rulers and erasers must be in your hands ready to be placed on your desk.
- all electronic devices including but not limited to tablets and music players (all switched off) and a small money purse/wallet. These items must be placed under your desk, on the floor. Use of these devices during the exam will constitute Academic Misconduct.
- a head covering worn for religious or cultural purposes.
- a bottle of water. You can bring in a small clear (not tinted) bottle of water with no label, e.g. a Mount Franklin bottle with the label removed. Bottles will be permitted at the discretion of the supervisor. If your water bottle is confiscated, you may collect it at the completion of your exam. Juice or other beverages are not permitted.
- a dictionary. All dictionaries will be checked during exams to ensure they do not contain unauthorised materials. You may take a hard-copy English language dictionary or, in any exam other than a language exam, a bi-lingual English dictionary. You cannot use electronic dictionaries or discipline-specific dictionaries such as medical, legal or life science dictionaries. Answers to all exam questions, and in all work submitted, must be in English unless otherwise directed.
Lost property
Lost property found on and off campus is held at Security and Traffic Management. For more information on lost property visit the Lost Property website.