
Just like a physical health check, a sexual health check should be part of your routine health care. Getting tested regularly is quick and easy and provides valuable peace of mind for you and your partner/s.  

If you're new to STI testing or want to know more, see below for answers to our frequently asked questions about testing, symptoms and services available to the UNSW community.

STI Clinic

Book an appointment with one of our doctors. Covers screening, testing and treatment, including HIV.

If the STI clinic is full, book an appointment with one of the doctors instead.

Book now

Sexual Health appointment

Do you have a preferred doctor or is the STI clinic full? Book an STI appointment with the doctor of your choice. Appointment covers screening, testing and treatment, including HIV.

Book now

CASI - Self-test kiosks

Discreet and anonymous testing for men. 

Talking about sex and your sexual partners can be awkward, even when it’s important for your health. Being upfront about who you have sex with and what type of sex you have can be uncomfortable. So, we’ve come up with a solution to avoid those tricky conversations. The self-testing STI kiosk at UNSW allows men to self-collect their tests anonymously. The only information collected from you is your name and your contact details. The information you provide is both private and confidential and is not linked to your academic record in any way.

Before testing, you will be asked to complete some pre-screening questions to see if you’re eligible. If you meet the criteria, you will be given an anal and oral swab to self-collect and you will need to pee into a jar. You collect these samples, place them in the bag provided and then drop these off into a self-collection box in the bathroom. These tests are then sent to pathology and results are managed by Sydney Sexual Health Centre.

The self-testing kiosk is located in the mens toilet outside the UNSW Health Service in Quadrangle Building (UNSW Sydney campus).

It is important to note that this testing only covers chlamydia and gonorrhoea, so you will still need to get a blood test for HIV and syphilis. HIV and Hepatitis C testing can also be done from the convenience of your own home using either a DBS test (HIV and Hep C) or an Atomo test kit (HIV only).

Who needs STI Testing?

STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) testing is recommended under the following conditions:
  • Every 6-12 months, if you are sexually active,
  • When you change sexual partners, or
  • If you have unprotected sex or your condom breaks.


If you are part of the Gay or Bisexual community and have sex with other men, testing is recommended every 3 months.

For more information about sexual health, visit our resources page. 

Do I need a test if I don’t have symptoms?

Many STI’s don’t have symptoms, so don’t use the absence of symptoms as a reason not to test.

STI's can cause long-term health issues such as infertility if left untreated. If you do have symptoms such as burning when urinating, unusual discharge or odd smells from your vagina or penis, book an appointment to see a doctor. 

How much do STI tests cost?

STI testing is free through Medicare or your OSHC provider.

Sometimes you will need to pay for the test upfront, but you can claim for these through your OSHC provider. At UNSW Health Services, there is no cost to see a doctor. 

Where can I test?

STI tests are available through UNSW Health Service, your local GP or sexual health clinic.

You can also contact NSW Sexual Health Infolink to find the closest clinic to you on 1800 451 624.

What type of test do I need?

 Learn more about STI tests

The standard STI test is a urine test or swab for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea, and a blood test to check for HIV and Syphilis.

You may also need different tests depending on what kind of sex you have (oral, vaginal, anal). Being open to your doctor about the type of sex you have and any symptoms helps them to determine what tests are needed.

 Learn more about STI tests here

What if I test positive?

Most STI's are easily treated. Getting the right treatment early is the best option. Your doctor will tell you what options there are. 

If you test positive for an STI, your sexual partner/s need to know that so they can get tested and treatment. You can tell your sexual partner/s or use Let Them Know to anonymously advise them to get tested. This helps stop the spread of STIs. 

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