Welcome to UNSW Health & Wellbeing Online Student Hub
There's so much to do when it comes to settling into a new university campus from getting your classes organised, finding your way around campus and working out the best spots to get your caffeine hit between study sessions. We're here to make sure that keeping on top of your health and well-being while studying at UNSW is simple easy and doesn't fall behind in your priorities.
Here is everything you need to know to maintain your health and wellbeing at UNSW.
Getting Started
Most people don't think about their health and well-being until it becomes an issue. Keeping on top of our health and well-being can make a big difference in keeping on top of your studies and ensure you come out the other end of your studies with a degree and a healthy mind and body.
Get a head start on your health, complete our health checklist, and get to know our services.

Your Health Check List
Want to make sure that your health and wellbeing doesn't interfere with your studies this year? You don't need to do it alone. UNSW Health & Wellbeing have tonnes of services available to students. Check out this simple checklist to make sure you stay on top of things this year.

Speak to a GP
When was your last health check-up? The UNSW Health Services is here to help you with any concerns you may have about your health and well-being and provide non-judgemental, quality health service to the students, staff and visitors of UNSW.

Connect to Care
Need some help navigating your feelings?
All enrolled students at UNSW are eligible for free mental health counselling. Mental Health Connect is here to connect you to the care you need.

Sexual Health Testing
Just like a physical health check, a sexual health check should be part of your routine health care. Getting tested regularly is quick and easy and provides valuable peace of mind for you and your partner/s. If you're new to STI testing or want to know more, follow the link for answers to our frequently asked questions about testing, symptoms and services available to the UNSW community.

How We Help You at UNSW
University can often bring unexpected challenges, but we're not looking to make things harder.
We've made things simple so you can find the support you need when you need it most, get to know the services available to you at UNSW and get the help you need, when you need it.

Stay Up to Date
Want to know about the latest news events and training opportunities?
Follow us on Instagram and stay in the loop of all things health!
Programs and Events
UNSW Health Promotions Unit runs a range of training and development programs and a full calendar of festivals and events you can engage with throughout the year. Here is what's coming up for T1 2023!

Learn to Swim Program
The Learn to Swim program includes 8 x 1-hour sessions with a qualified instructor to work on your swimming skills. You will also have the opportunity to learn more about water safety, meet new friends and learn life skills that will improve your well-being

Mental Health First Aid Training
Online & in-person sessions available throughout the year
Just like physical first aid courses train members of the public to provide basic first aid to someone with a physical health condition, MHFA teaches skills to help someone experiencing a mental health problem.

Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors
Looking to make a difference to the health and wellbeing of UNSW students?
Join this professional development opportunity for students passionate about health and wellbeing. Gain hands-on experience in real-world projects

Recognise and Respond: Suicide prevention for everyday life
Online Course FREE for UNSW Students and Staff
Do you know how to recognise and respond to the signs of mental health distress? UNSW Health is pleased to partner with Black Dog Institute to offer this vital Suicide Prevention training.

Student Health Advisory Committee
As a member of the Student Health Advisory Committee, you will have the opportunity to support your peers and shape the direction of health and wellbeing at UNSW.

Peers Advocating for Sexual Health (PASH)
Want to facilitate healthy conversations about Sexual Health in the UNSW community? Join the PASH (Peers Advocating for Sexual Health0 team and play an integral part in opening a dialogue for sexual health and healthy relationships at UNSW.

Beach Ocean Safe Program
If you're looking to feel more confident in the water, meet new people and learn more about the Australian water and beach culture then join us for this 4-week program where you'll gain the skills you need to stay safe while enjoying Sydney's incredible beaches.

Project Mind
Project Mind is the 8-week student professional development program that allows students to solve real-world problems and create initiatives designed to improve the health and wellbeing of UNSW students.

MediBank OSHC
Staying healthy during your stay in Australia is important and OSHC is required as a condition of your student visa. Medibank Comprehensive OSHC provides you with cover to help you pay hospital and medical costs whilst you are studying in Australia.