The NSW International Education Awards celebrate the outstanding contribution international students make to communities in NSW and recognise excellence in international student community engagement.

Nominations for the 2024 NSW International Education Awards are now open!

Nomination Information

Do you know an international student who is an inspirational role model to the community? 

To nominate an International Student, the below criteria must be met: 

An inspirational role model and can demonstrate an achievement or contribution that adds value to the community through: 

  • Touching the lives of others 

  • Participating in the community 

  • Connecting an ethnic or language community group with the broader NSW community

  • Volunteering 

To nominate a Community Engagement Program, the below criteria must be met:  

  • The program/initiative has generated benefits for the students, the community and/or business 

  • The program/initiative has addressed an identified need 

  • The program/initiative has facilitated meaningful connections and new pathways for community participation and/or employment (for example by offering work experience or mentorship)

  • The program/initiative has enhanced relationships and networks and/or helped to break down barriers

  • The program/initiative has potential for replication and/or adaptation by others 


See the Study NSW Eligibility and Selection Criteria here.

UNSW application deadline: Sunday 28th July 2024 11:59pm AEST

Submit your nomination here

Meet our 2023 UNSW International Study Award Nominees



NOMINEE: 2023 StudyNSW International Student Awards

UNSW Degree: PhD in Psychology

Being nominated for the Study NSW International Student Award is an incredible honour for me. As an international student from Indonesia, this recognition is a powerful reminder that regardless of gender, cultural, and language boundaries, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. This recognition not only validates my efforts, but also inspires me to continue making a positive impact and contributing meaningfully to the community. I'm truly grateful for this opportunity to be acknowledged for my contributions and achievements. 



NOMINEE: 2023 StudyNSW International Student Awards

UNSW Degree: Bachelor of Science (Honours)(Neuroscience) 

Being nominated for the Study NSW International Student Award is an immense honour and validation of my hard work, dedication, and accomplishments as an international student. It not only acknowledges my academic achievements but also highlights my efforts to integrate into a new culture, contribute positively to the community, and make the most of this valuable learning experience. This nomination serves as a motivation to continue striving for excellence and embracing the opportunities that UNSW offers.



NOMINEE: 2023 StudyNSW International Education Engagement Awards

The Beach Ocean Safe (BOS) Program is not just about mastering the ocean, it's about building confidence, fostering cultural integration, and creating a safer and united beach community. By equipping international students with essential beach safety skills, the program transcends traditional education. It's a journey of empowerment that breaks down barriers and forges meaningful connections, enabling UNSW students to dive headfirst into Australian beach culture. 



NOMINEE: 2023 StudyNSW International Education Engagement Awards

The Let’s CommUNIcate program offers fun and engaging weekly English conversation workshops to international students. The sessions are co-designed and facilitated by trained students who are both domestic and international. In these workshops students are able to practice and develop their English language skills in a relaxed environment. Simultaneously, participants foster connections, build friendships, and cultivate a sense of belonging within the university community.

Contact us

For more information on the nominations and preparing support material please email us at [email protected].

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