Law International Outreach Mentoring Program

The Law International Outreach Mentoring Program is designed to assist new international students in adjusting to university life in Sydney and transitioning to The Law School. The aim of the program is to provide a support network for new international students commencing their Law Degree in UNSW. The program also encourages international student involvement with university life and facilitates their integration into the local community, through the UNSW Law Society’s provision of regular weekly group meetings, social events and skills workshops. These activities are designed to best suit the needs of international students as they embark on their UNSW journey.


When does this program run?

Term 1 only

Week 2 - week 9 of term


New student (mentee) and mentor applications for 2024 have now closed. 2025 to be announced soon! 

More information

Email: [email protected] 

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