Mind Smart Guides are a series of self help resources designed to help you manage some of the common challenges experienced by students at university. Check out the great tips from fellow students and learn some strategies from psychologists experienced in helping students with their concerns. Mind Smart is produced by UNSW Psychology and Wellness in partnership with students at UNSW.
Mind Smart Guides
What are MInd Smart Guides? Find out more here.
Learn some strategies so you can stop procrastinating and actually get down to some work.
HDR counselling resources
For high degree research programs
Tales of Resilience
Stories and strategies from individuals living with Mental illness.
Receiving feedback
Successful graduates reflect on the importance of feedback in their work.
Giving feedback
Useful advice on how to give good feedback
Find out how sleep can improve your marks
Animate Me
A selection of animations on Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Exams with less stress
Find out how you can reduce your stress levels around exam time.
Mindfulness improves you memory, learning and wellbeing
Growth mindset
Learn how to achieve your potential and bounce back from failure and setbacks
Perfectionism...... believe it or not but being a perfectionist can have a serious impact on your work and relationships.