Historical Council Resolutions on Pass with Distinction

View current procedure here.

Council resolution 16 December 2002

At its meeting on 16 December 2002, Council resolved as follows:

(1) That Council approve the following procedure on the award of Pass with Distinction:

  • (i) that formal recognition on the testamur be given of excellence in overall academic performance in undergraduate pass degree programs where an award with Honours is not available;
  • (ii) that the award of Pass with Distinction be available when a Distinction level of performance based on a weighted average mark (WAM) of at least 75 has been achieved in all courses completed since enrolment at UNSW which are credited to the relevant award;
  • (iii) that the recognition of other specified levels of academic performance for pass degree programs on the testamur will not be permitted, specifically any award based on levels other than Distinction;
  • (iv) that the application for the award of Pass with Distinction for undergraduate pass degree programs must be approved by the relevant committees of the University (Faculty Education Committee, and Faculty Standing Committee, Undergraduate Studies Committee and Academic Board), and must comply with (i) and (ii) above.

(2) That Council approve the award of Pass with Distinction for the following undergraduate pass degree programs, consistent with the procedure approved under (1) above, effective 1 January 2003:

  • Bachelor of Commerce [3502], Bachelor of Economics [3543], Bachelor of Science (Information Systems) [3979], Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality Management [3571], Bachelor of International Studies [3413-3416]* and associated programs including combined degrees and Bachelor of Taxation [4620]. * 3413-3416 replaced by program 3424 in 2004 - AB04/68.

(3) That Council note that effective 1 January 2003:

  • (i) students currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Taxation, Bachelor of Commerce, and Bachelor of Economics who may qualify for the Pass degree with Merit will be given the option to take out the degree with Merit or with Distinction;
  • (ii) for the latter option, students must satisfy the requirements of the procedure approved above;
  • (iii) no commencing students will be permitted to take out the award of Bachelor of Taxation with Merit, Bachelor of Commerce with Merit, or Bachelor of Economics with Merit and that nomenclature will be discontinued.

(4) That Council request the Academic Board to report on an annual basis the number of graduates eligible to receive the award of Pass with Distinction and the number who did receive it.

Subsequent resolutions

Academic Board resolutions have since approved the award of Distinction in additional degree programs, as follows:

Bachelor of Arts [3400], Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) [3402], Bachelor of Arts (Dance) Bachelor of Education [3408], Bachelor of Social Science and Bachelor of Social Science in Criminology [3420,3422], Bachelor of Music [3425], Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Education [3426], Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Arts [3427], Bachelor Social Work [4031], Bachelor of Social Work Bachelor of Arts [4035], Bachelor Social Work Bachelor of Social Science [4036], Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education [4055].

AB04/121 and AB04/146:
Bachelor of Fine Arts [4800], Bachelor of Art Theory [4803], Bachelor of Digital Media [4810], Bachelor of Art Theory [4703], Bachelor of Art Theory [4806], Bachelor of Art Theory [4807], Bachelor of Fine Arts [4812]

Bachelor of Exercise Physiology [3871]

Bachelor of Architectural Studies [3261], Bachelor of Architectural Computing [3267]

Bachelor of Science [3970]

Bachelor of Psychological Science [3435]

Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education [4075]

Bachelor of Aviation [3981]

Bachelor of Aviation [3980]

Bachelor of Technology [4430,4437]

Bachelor of Medical Science [3991]

BMed MD [3805]

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