If you fail to pay your fees by the due date, you will not be permitted to enrol in any subsequent Term or Semester or to graduate (whichever is applicable), until you have fully paid your debt. You will also no longer be entitled to membership and privileges of the University.
If you have an outstanding debt you will have a Denial of Services block placed on your student account, which will prevent you from accessing the following services:
- Examination results
- Access to buildings and computer labs
- Access to UNSW Library Services
- Official transcripts or any other official documentation issued by the University
- Graduation or re-enrolment (whichever is applicable)
Please be aware that the Higher Education Support Act defines the obligations on students in Commonwealth-supported places.
You should be aware that failure to pay fees will result in your debt being referred to a debt collection agency and any costs incurred through the recovery of the debt, such as legal or administrative costs, will be passed on to you.
To clear your debt
Once your payment has been received and cleared on your account, your access to the above services will be restored automatically within 24 hours.