Hump Day 2023

Have you been humping but haven’t gotten an STI test?
Curious about consent or contraception?
Hungry for waffles?

PlaySafe this SEXtember and join us at the Quad for Hump Day!

University life is a time of learning and experimentation. Sex is just one part of that. But what does a healthy sex life look like, and how do you maintain your sexual health while still having fun? 

We've got the answers you're looking for plus a tonne of fun games, and prizes and we'll be serving delicious SEXtember themed snacks to keep you in the mood.  

πŸ“† Wed 20 Sep
⏰ 10 AM - 4 PM
πŸ“ The Quad, Kensington Campus 

Hump Day Activities

  • Tattoo Parlour
  • Genital Clay Modeling
  • Chill out Zone
  • Vibrator Racing 
  • Dildo Toss

Prizes & Give Aways

Thanks to our Platinum sponsors NORMAL we'll be giving away a range of sex toys and pleasure kits throughout SEXtember. 

Other Prizes and Giveaways

  • Free SEXtember Themes Waffles
  • Free Condoms & Lube 

Get Tested!

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