The School of Population Health are launching two NEW courses in 2023 which are available to all students as GenEd offerings.
Introduction to Public Health (PHCM1002) focuses on contemporary population health challenges from Australia and internationally. Through case studies, a review of historical developments and an analysis of current issues, students will develop a deep understanding of the different approaches used in public health.
View the handbook for more information
Global Health (PHCM1003) aims to provide students with an overview of the context and key issues around global health, as well as how the governance of global health has evolved over time, including a review of the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Millennium Development Goals.
The course will also take a critical look at the WHO health system building blocks and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets as integral components of Global Health.
View the handbook for more information
Both courses are available in multi-mode, either fully online or as a hybrid with face to face class time on campus.