23 Mar – 24 Mar 2024
University of Technology Sydney (15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007)

Calling all UNSW Engineering students! Are you curious about humanitarian engineering? Are you eager to put your engineering skills to the test?
Well, roll up your sleeves and get pumped to compete in this year’s Inter-Uni Design Corner!
Design Corner is designed to inspire humanitarian thinking with real-world problem-solving. You will work as a team to come up with an innovative solution to a real world case study, and put it to the test against a panel of industry experts.
Why should you attend?
- Apply technical theory and human-centred design to solve an engineering case study
- Develop design thinking, teamwork and project management skills
- Network with industry representatives
- Make friends with students from other unis
- Certificate & prizes
- Free catering
Design Corner is open to all students from UTS, UNSW, USYD and WSU. You can enter as a team or register individually and meet new people!
For more information visit the Facebook event page.