Help to improve the student experience at UNSW

2 UNSW students walking beside the Dalton Building

Applications for this program have now closed. 

Help us improve the student experience at UNSW and be paid for your time!

We're looking for students to join a reference group to support the Student Experience Program. 

About the Student Experience Program

The need to improve the student experience at UNSW was identified following student feedback and QILT SES rankings. In 2022, several working groups explored issues and opportunities to improve the student experience, which led to the formation of the Student Experience Program in 2023. 

There are five workstreams of the program:

  1. Assessment and Feedback
  2. Program Simplification
  3. Student Lifecycle Processes
  4. The Course Design Institute
  5. Belonging and Onboarding

What's the Student Reference Group?

The Student Experience Program needs your support to develop new concepts and improve existing concepts. The Student Reference Group will support the program through providing feedback and evaluations, and co-creating alongside the program team. 

The Student Reference Group is expected to start working in April 2024

Students will be reimbursed for their time at $36.35 per hour

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