Pedestrian safety at UNSW


There are many fatalities and injuries sustained by pedestrians in NSW every year from road accidents. We want everyone at UNSW to be safe, especially when you are crossing roads around campus.

Here are some essential tips for you to keep in mind:
  • Always wait for the green man or "walk" signal before crossing the road.

  • If there is a countdown timer make sure you use this to ensure that you have enough time to cross the road.

  • Stay vigilant and avoid distractions like your phone and wearing headphones.

  • Only cross the road at designated pedestrian crossings.

  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid crossing the road near buses or large vehicles.

  • Use sidewalks whenever possible to stay safe.

  • Ensure all vehicles have come to a complete stop before stepping off the curb.

  • Make eye contact with vehicle drivers before crossing to ensure they have seen you.

Pedestrian crossing diagram

By following these safety guidelines, we can create a safer environment for pedestrians at UNSW.

Read about pedestrian safety at UNSW in Chinese

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