Work Integrated Learning: support for ELS students

Are you studying a degree that has a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component or would you like to undertake a WIL opportunity relevant to your degree such as:

  • placements
  • clinical placements
  • practicums
  • industry projects
  • field placements

Are you impacted by a condition that may affect your performance on placement?

  • A physical or mental health condition
  • A disability
  • are Neurodivergent or
  • are an individual caring for someone with one of these conditions

If your answer is ‘yes’ to these questions, then you can talk to an Equitable Learning Facilitator about setting up an Equitable Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Plan with suitable reasonable adjustments that can be included, so that you can perform to your potential during your placement.

What is an Equitable Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Plan?

An Equitable Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Plan is a document that is developed which recommends adjustments that are necessary for your placement based on the impacts of your condition(s).

It is just like an Equitable Learning Plan (ELP) – but it is tailored to the work placement setting where your needs may differ from the traditional classroom environment. The adjustments are meant to reduce or eliminate barriers that could be reasonably altered in the workplace setting.

The adjustments in your Equitable WIL Plan are determined by an Equitable Learning Facilitator through an assessment process based on:

  • your documentation with the recommendations of your health care professionals
  • discussions with you
  • consultation and negotiation with the Faculty WIL practitioner(s) to ensure the adjustments allow you to meet the WIL placement inherent requirements

Some examples of reasonable adjustments for placements are:

  • Location of the placement e.g., reduced travel time
  • Rest breaks and access to quiet or private spaces
  • Flexible working arrangements where possible e.g., reduced hours, part time
  • Additional supports e.g., more regular supervisor feedback, or additional communication supports such as verbal and written instructions and resources
  • Workspace set up including specialised software or ergonomic furniture
  • Accessibility e.g., wheelchair accessible premises

Your Equitable WIL Plan will not disclose the nature of your condition and the underlying reason for your adjustments will remain strictly confidential.  The Equitable WIL Plan will only have the adjustments for the university and Host Organisation to implement and is treated as a sensitive document, provided only to the relevant staff from the Faculty and Host Organisation on a need-to-know basis, so they can implement your adjustments.

When should I set up an Equitable WIL Plan?

It is important to register with ELS at least one term before your placement commencement, so Faculty WIL practitioner(s) and Host Organisation can be made aware of any WIL adjustments in advance. This allows them necessary time to prepare and ensure their workplace can accommodate a student’s particular needs.

To register with ELS, complete the online registration form on the ELS website and ELS will be in touch to make an appointment to discuss your needs and adjustments suitable for your placement.  If you have questions or concerns, you can access the ELS daily drop in service to speak to an Equitable Learning Facilitator.

If you are already registered with ELS, make an appointment through the ELS Student Portal to discuss any WIL adjustments you may need.

What do I do with my Equitable WIL Plan?

As soon as you receive your Equitable Work Integrated Learning Plan, you should email it to your faculty WIL team and upload it to InPlace  so they have a copy, and they are aware you are an ELS student who has WIL adjustments. Please contact your faculty WIL practitioner(s) to discuss your adjustments so they can confirm with the Host Organisation whether these can be reasonably accommodated.  Once approved, they will check in with you during your first week(s) to confirm that your adjustments are in place.

If your placement is self-sourced and an organisation cannot reasonably accommodate certain adjustment(s), there are a number of UNSW and external supports you can access, so you can explore other options and opportunities which might be better suited.

Support while on WIL placement

If any concerns or issues arise with your adjustments on placement, contact your faculty WIL team as soon as possible to receive assistance.  Or if you prefer to speak to your Equitable Learning Facilitator, book an appointment via the ELS Student Portal or access the ELS daily drop in. It is important to communicate any issues at the time which have arisen on placement so timely assistance can be provided.

Employability support

Employability services

If you have a disability you can book with UNSW Employability - Individual coaching EDI appointments and talk to an experienced Careers Coach for guidance, strategies and support about WIL placement, including if you need to source your own placement.

UNSW Employability offer 30-minute equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) coaching sessions for students with a disability, with the possibility of engaging with the same coach. Students are supported in their career journeys and questions about equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in recruitment or the workplace are addressed.

Also see the following supports which can help you build confidence, expand your network, and develop your career direction.

Employability programs

  • UNSW Career Discovery Mentoring Program
    The UNSW Career Discovery Mentoring Program connects UNSW students with established industry professionals, providing students with a significant opportunity to focus on their career development.
  • UNSW Career Explorer Program
    Design your experience at UNSW in just three coaching sessions, all while discovering what drives you, what values are important to you and what programs and jobs excite you.

At UNSW we strongly endeavour to align and provide equitable access to education for all students under the following acts,


Combining the strengths of WISE and Universities, the primary aim of GradWISE is to provide eligible students identified as living with a disability, mental or physical health condition or injury with access to additional specialist assistance on campus. The program aims to obtain employment opportunities for students commensurate with their interests, aspirations and qualifications.

GradWISE provides customised job coaching and support to complement universities’ support in one-on-one, small group and online settings. A large part of GradWISE's role is understanding employer needs and assisting them with their diversity and inclusion ambitions whilst providing support to both the employee and employer once a successful match is made and for as long as needed.

Work integrated learning opportunities

Learn more about the range of undergraduate and postgraduate WIL courses and programs offered by UNSW Faculties and Schools.

Additional resources

For further support programs, get in touch with the Australian Disability Network. Find out more about the programs available below.

Australian Disability Network – PACE Mentoring

If you would like to get some confidence in your first year(s) before you go on placement, you can also check out PACE Mentoring.  The program connects students and jobseekers with disability, mental health condition or chronic illness with a professional mentor from member organisations who has advice and wisdom to share.  To find out more, read the Frequently asked questions or attend an information session.


Australian Disability Network – Stepping Into Internship program

Students with disabilities can apply to the Australian Disability Network Stepping Into Internship Program and view their Current OpportunitiesThis is a paid internship scheme that matches talented university students with disability with roles in leading Australian businesses.  To find out more visit their website and read the Frequently asked questions or attend an information session.

Other considerations to prepare for WIL placement

If you are eligible for NDIS and require accessible transportation to travel to and from placement or you think you will need other personal supports, we strongly recommend you contact NDIS to discuss updating your circumstances and plan with them.  Students should do this at least one term prior to placement commencing so all the necessary supports which you may be eligible for are arranged well ahead of time.

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