JINA Research Project


The JINA project aims to understand the current and emerging professional development needs of women in undergrad or postgrad study (including HDR) at UNSW who have experienced forced migration prior to settling in Australia.

The research project is looking for student participants who meet the following eligibility criteria: 

  • Enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree (including HDR) at UNSW
  • Identify as a woman
  • Experienced forced migration prior to settling in Australia. 

Read the participant information statement and consent form

Learn more about the study

What's required?

The research study has 2 parts. You may choose to only participate in Part 1:

  1. An interview (in person on Kensington campus or online via Microsoft Teams) with an investigator. Interviews will take approximately 1 hour. 
  2. Participants in Part 1 will be given the option to undertake a career coaching program offered by UNSW Employability in Term 3. After completing this program, participants will be invited to a second interview with investigators. The second interview will take approximately 30 minutes.

If you would like more information or are interested in being part of the research study, please contact Dr Parisa Glass at [email protected]

About the JINA project

The Justice Inclusion Access (JINA) program was launched by UNSW Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in June 2024. Results from this study will be used to help inform the planning of a future program at UNSW.


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