The AHEGS provides a description of the nature, level, context and status of studies completed. It is only issued on conferral of an award, so differs from an academic transcript which can be issued at various stages of your program. Its purpose is to assist in recognition of Australian qualifications, and promote international mobility and professional recognition of graduates. All UNSW students receive an AHEGS on award conferral through eQuals.
AHEGS are available to graduates who completed their program of study and were conferred with their degree from Semester 1, 2010 onwards.
UNSW is offering the following two service options:
1. You can request a physical copy (hard copy) of your AHEGS.
2. You can request a digital copy of your AHEGS via the My eQuals service. Further information regarding this option can be found below under 'My eQuals Service'.
Please be aware that if you provide falsified documents to external agencies which misrepresent your qualifications from UNSW, then this could result in one of a range of penalties, from failure in the course or suspension (where applicable), exclusion and/or the matter may be reported to ICAC. As a student, you must be aware of your obligations and responsibilities under the Student Code (pdf).
View Guidelines for the presentation of AHEGS and further information.
AHEGS format
The AHEGS conforms to nationally agreed specifications approved by the Department of Education. It consists of five sections plus certification:
Section 1: The Graduate
Section 2: The Award
Section 3: Awarding Institution
Section 4: Graduate’s Academic Achievements (see below)
Section 5: Description of the Australian Higher Education System
The AHEGS is compiled to summarise information that is factual and relevant at the time. It is date-stamped to indicate the date of issue.
Can I get an AHEGS if I graduated prior to Semester 1, 2010?
No. Students who completed their program of study at UNSW prior to Semester 1, 2010 are not eligible for an AHEGS.
What happened to UNSW's Supplementary Transcript?
Students completing a program of study from Semester 1 2010 have their co-curricular activities and program related achievements listed in the AHEGS.
Supplementary Transcripts were issued to eligible students who graduated prior to Semester 2, 2010 (for approved activities and awards from Semester 1 2007). Copies of Supplementary Transcripts are available, for a fee, from The Nucleus: Student Hub. Copies will be issued in the original Supplementary Transcript format, not as AHEGS.
Will my fail grades be included on the AHEGS?
All recorded results related to the specified program of study will appear on the AHEGS. This includes any fail grades.
I’m graduating from a dual degree program. Will I receive 2 AHEGS?
Yes, for programs where graduates receive two separate awards (i.e. two testamurs) a separate AHEGS is issued for each qualification.
What do I do if there is an error on my AHEGS?
The information appearing on the AHEGS is from your official student record. Should you find incorrect or missing information, please contact The Nucleus: Student Hub for advice regarding replacement.
Can I request updates to the information on my AHEGS?
No. A reprinted AHEGS must contain exactly the same content as at the time of original issue. The AHEGS is designed to provide a snapshot of a graduate’s qualification at the point of completion.
Graduate’s academic achievements
Special Achievements
A set of eligibility criteria determines which achievements outside formal study are eligible for inclusion as Special Achievements. Co-curricular activity nominations are assessed by UNSW Advantage. There are over 350 co-curricular activities currently recognised by UNSW Advantage, examples include; mentoring, student representative participation on recognised UNSW committees, leadership programs and community volunteering.
Currently enrolled students can view and print an unofficial interim summary of their co-curricular activities via the Co-Curricular Online Service (CCOS).
Read about co-curricular activities offered under the UNSW Advantage.
Find nomination guidelines and forms.
AHEGS request if you have outstanding debts with the University
Applications for AHEGS cannot be processed if you have an outstanding debt to the University. Debts include all fees, loans, library fines, housing blocks, Art & Design blocks, ATAX blocks and equipment. Student Administration will contact you if you have a debt. You will need to clear this debt before your AHEGS can be released.
Physical Copy Service
How to apply
UNSW graduates can contact [email protected] for the AHEGS application form.
Include your full legal name, student number and name of the degree(s)/program(s) completed at UNSW in your request.
The cost of a hard copy is AUD $40 for one copy and $18 for each additional copy.
Payment options
- Payment can be made by credit card (Visa or MasterCard ONLY) online.
- Personal cheques or cash cannot be accepted.
Proof of Identity
To enable the University to fulfil its obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (NSW) 1998, you must submit a copy of your driver's licence, passport or birth certificate. Your request cannot be processed until you provide this. If you do not have a current driver's licence or a passport, you will need to provide copies of the equivalent of 100 points of ID such as medicare card, bankcard, student identity card, electricity bill etc.
If you have changed your name since you studied at UNSW, you will also need to provide evidence of this by providing either a copy of your marriage certificate, official change of name certificate or a copy of other relevant documentation.
Processing and delivery
AHEGS cannot be produced until after the degree has been conferred.
Please allow 8 working days for processing, not including delivery.
AHEGS hard copies will be sent via regular Australia Post domestic and international airmail services, unless you choose courier or express post at an additional charge. AHEGS cannot be emailed.
My eQuals Service
What is My eQuals?
My eQuals is a platform shared by Australian and New Zealand Universities and further information can be found here: https://www.myequals.edu.au
My eQuals allows you, the student, secure access to your academic records online. You can share your digital academic records with whoever you choose. You can also choose how long you allow a third party to view your records. Your documents will be available on your My eQuals account indefinitely.
Your online documents in My eQuals can only be produced by UNSW and cannot be modified in My eQuals. Therefore, if you give a third party (a potential employer, for example), access to your online academic record, the third party will be able to rely on the authenticity of your documents and not have to undertake a manual back-to-source check to verify your documentation.
Who Can Access Documents via My eQuals?
UNSW students who graduated in or after Semester 1, 2018 can access their graduation documents, including their AHEGS, transcript and testamur.
However, if you are a past UNSW student who graduated from Semester 1, 2010 there is now the option for you to access your AHEGS via My eQuals by lodging an application (see How to Apply).
How to apply
If you graduated between Semester 1, 2018 and now:
You do not need to apply as you already have access to your graduation documents via My eQuals. Please refer here for further information or alternatively, contact the Graduations team via [email protected].
If you graduated before Semester 1, 2010 you are not eligible for an AHEGS document.
If you are a graduate who graduated from Semester 1, 2010 to Semester 2, 2017:
Contact [email protected] for the AHEGS application form.
Include your full legal name, student number and name of the degree(s)/program(s) completed at UNSW in your request.
The cost is $20.
Payment options
- Payment can be made by credit card (Visa or MasterCard ONLY) online.
- Personal cheques or cash cannot be accepted.
Proof of Identity
To enable the University to fulfil its obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (NSW) 1998, you must submit a copy of your driver's licence, passport or birth certificate. Your request cannot be processed until you provide this. If you do not have a current driver's licence or a passport, you will need to provide copies of the equivalent of 100 points of ID such as medicare card, bankcard, student identity card, electricity bill etc.
If you have changed your name since you studied at UNSW, you will also need to provide evidence of this by providing either a copy of your marriage certificate, official change of name certificate or a copy of other relevant documentation.
Please allow up to eight working days for your request to be processed and your documents to be available via My eQuals. You will receive an email confirming when your documents are ready to access.