Many courses at UNSW require students to give oral presentations in tutorials and seminars. During your studies, you may be required to give many presentations. Listed below are resources that can provide you useful tips for oral presentations and public speaking.
10 tips for speaking to an audience
Some general tips on public speaking that can be applied to your seminar.
Tutorials and seminar presentations
A short guide outlining the steps and skills for giving an oral tutorial or seminar presentation
Planning and structuring your presentation
You need to plan the structure of your presentation very carefully and consider the time limit, information available and how much detail you can include.
Preparation and delivery
Tips for preparing and delivery your presentation such as preparing prompts, planning your opening remarks, anxiety and more.
Tutorial discussion and working with visuals
This discussion and working with visuals page includes tips on group discussion, answering questions and working with technology.
Using PowerPoint
Useful tips for using PowerPoint slideshows effectively.