UNSW offers Verification of Qualification services to employers and other external organisations seeking confirmation that a candidate has graduated from, studied at, or is still studying at UNSW.

Please be aware that if you provide falsified documents to external agencies which misrepresent your qualifications from UNSW, then this could result in one of a range of penalties, from failure in the course or suspension (where applicable), exclusion and/or the matter may be reported  to ICAC. As a student, you must be aware of your obligations and responsibilities under the UNSW Student Code.

Our Services

UNSW offers 3 types of verification services to employers and other external organisations. You must submit a request for Qualification Verification via one of the following options (email enquiries will not be processed; except for document verification requests as outlined below): 

Public Information Verification

Confirmation of Graduation is publicly available information. A graduate is someone who has completed all requirements for their degree and whose award has been conferred. 

All degrees conferred between 2000 (AGSM degrees from 2010) and the present day are publicly available on the UNSW Graduate Register. We will not provide a written statement to verify the public information for a graduate who is listed on our online register. 

In which scenarios will we provide a Public Information Request?

We will provide a response to third parties who: 

  • are seeking public information for a degree awarded before 2000
  • are seeking public information for a degree from AGSM awarded before 2010
  • cannot find a post-2000 graduate's details on the register
  • have a discrepancy in the information provided by the graduate to you and the information on the register 

Please complete the Request for Verification of Qualifications form and select ‘Public Information Required’. 

What information will we provide?

We will email you confirming the graduate’s: 

  • Full name (as it appears in UNSW’s records)
  • Award name (degree)
  • Level and specialisation (if applicable)
  • Date of conferral (graduation date) 

Public information does not include enrolment dates. If you require this information, please submit a Non-Public Information Request.   

Do we require payment and consent from the graduate?

No, payment and consent form are not required. This is a free service provided by UNSW.

Non-Public Information Verification

If you would like publicly available information about a UNSW student, and confirmation of their enrolment history, please complete the Request for Verification of Qualifications form and select ‘Non-Public Information Required’. 

What information will we provide?

We will email you confirming the student’s: 

  • Full name (as it appears in UNSW’s records)
  • Program of study
  • Start and end dates of study
  • Minimum full-time duration of study for that program
  • Graduation details – Award name, level and specialisation, and date of conferral (if applicable) 

We do not provide information on courses/subjects completed, or grades obtained. If you require this information, please ask the candidate to provide you with a copy of their Academic Statement or Academic Transcript.   

Do we require payment and consent from the student?

Yes, a payment of AUD$60 and a valid consent form from the student are required.

Document Verification

If you wish to verify the authenticity of a UNSW issued document, please email the document directly to verifications@unsw.edu.au

What documents do we verify?

  • Testamur (degree certificate) 
  • Academic Transcript
  • Academic Statement
  • Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
  • Award and Enrolment Statement (or Enrolment Statement)
  • Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) 

What information will we provide?

We will confirm whether the document is authentic and matches our record. 

Do we require payment and consent from the student?

No, payment and consent form are not required. This is a free service provided by UNSW.


The following questions will help you navigate our services and understand the scope of information we provide.

What are your processing times for a Verification request?

We process all requests in order of receipt and aim to respond within five (5) business days.

What information should I provide to assist with my enquiry?

We ask that you provide us with as much information as you have obtained from the candidate, such as: 

  • the applicant’s full name and/or previous names, if a change has occurred since their time of enrolment at UNSW
  • the applicant’s date of birth (we cannot search by date of birth but we need the date to confirm we have the correct student)
  • the applicant’s UNSW 7-digit Student ID number (if known)
  • the years of enrolment and program of enrolment
  • the degree studies and area of specialisation
  • the date of graduation and degree conferred

What is the language of tuition at UNSW?

All subjects are taught in English language at UNSW (with the exception of certain language courses which are taught in their respective languages).

Do you provide information about the mode of study at UNSW?

This information does not fall within the scope of the verification service we provide. However, we recommend you asking the candidate to obtain an Award and Enrolment Statement (or an Enrolment Statement, if they have not graduated), as the document will provide further detail about a student’s enrolment at UNSW.

Can you assist with the verification of Exchange or Study Abroad students?

Yes. If you require confirmation that a candidate has undertaken study at UNSW as an Exchange student or a Study Abroad student, please complete the Request for Verification of Qualifications form and select ‘Public Information Required’. Because these are non-award programs at UNSW, we require the consent of the student to release the information. This service is provided free of charge.

I have requested a Public Information Request and received a response with “there is no public information available for this candidate”. What does this mean?

This could be for a variety of reasons which include, but is not limited to, the following scenarios: 

  • the candidate was enrolled but discontinued their studies
  • the candidate has not yet completed their award requirements and is still currently enrolled
  • the candidate has recently completed study but due to outstanding results the award has not been officially conferred by the Graduations Office
  • the candidate has completed all degree requirements but has had the conferral denied or delayed due to unreturned library loans or unpaid fees
  • the candidate has completed all award requirements but has not applied for that award to be formally conferred
  • the candidate has been enrolled in a program of study which does not lead to a formal award

Your response lists a different graduation date to what our candidate has provided us with. What does this mean?

In our responses we will quote the conferral date as the official ‘graduation date’. If a candidate has provided you with an earlier date, this could be the date they completed their studies. If a candidate has provided you with a later date, this could be the date they attended a formal graduation ceremony.   

Why is there a discrepancy in specialisation information between the Graduate Register and an official Academic Transcript?

All entries from the UNSW Graduate Register reflect information shown on official Testamurs (degree certificate).

At UNSW, majors are shown on the Testamur and official Academic Transcript. However, minors will only be shown on a student’s official Academic Transcript.

Any UNSW student with an additional specialisation listed on their official Academic Transcript but not on their Testamur, will have obtained a minor for their degree.



Can you provide me with any other information about a UNSW student that is not already covered by your current services?

No, we do not provide any other information in our verification responses. Please refer to the Public, Non-Public, and Document Verification sections above for a detailed overview of what information we can provide.

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