Changes to Legal Research and Writing Requirements

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We have made some changes to the way our Legal Research and Writing (LRW) courses are offered, which may impact your progress.

What are the changes?

In 2022, a new course was created, LAWS1055/JURD7155 Legal Research & Writing, combining both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of Legal Research and Writing. LAWS2277/JURD7272 LRW – Australian Law was also created to support students who had only completed Stage 1 of Legal Research & Writing. 

What do these changes mean for me? 

Please read the information below carefully, as it may or may not apply to you depending on which LRW Stages you have completed. 

  • If you commenced between 2018 and 2021 and completed LAWS1052/JURD7152 Introducing Law & Justice but did not complete LAWS1160/JURD7160 Administrative Law until after T3 2021, You are required to complete LAWS2277/JURD7272 Transitional Module: LRW – Australian Law in T3 2024.  Please complete the enrolment consent webform and the Law Program Specialist Team will assist you with your enrolment. 

  • If you commenced in 2022: You should have completed LAWS1055/JURD7152 Legal Research & Writing alongside LAWS1052/JURD7155 Introducing Law & Justice in Term 1 or Term 3 2022. If you are into this category, you are not required to complete LAWS2277/JURD7272 Transitional Module: LRW – Australian Law  

  • If you have commenced from 2023 onwards: You will need to ensure that you complete LAWS1055/JURD7155 Legal Research & Writing alongside LAWS1052/JURD7152 Introducing Law & Justice in your first term of study. You are not required to complete LAWS2277/JURD7272 LRW – Australian Law  

If you have any questions about the change to the Legal Research and Writing requirements or your enrolment, please reach out to the Nucleus team for support.

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