About the program
This program is an international, collaborative initiative lead by Hiroshima University, Japan, aimed at guiding students into agile entrepreneurship, nurturing internationally minded future professionals, who actively seek peace and who have the tools needed to take on future global challenges.
These COIL E-courses are held online, taught in English and free of charge to UNSW students.
PLEASE NOTE: Students must be able to attend all classes at the times specified in the course information below.
We currently have the following 3 COIL E-courses in 2024 available for UNSW students:
COIL E-Course 3: Entrepreneurship for Rural Development
This online course aims to familiarise students with the development of entrepreneurial activities in rural settings. Students can engage and discuss the importance of resources in the selected rural region and how to revitalise these areas by finding solutions to potential challenges.
Course Dates: 9 -29 January 2024 - Monday - Friday 6pm - 7.30pm JST
Eligibility Requirements:
Undergraduate student enrolled in a UNSW degree.
Students must be able to attend all classes at the times specified above.
COIL E-Course 5: Economic development policy and poverty reduction through industrialisation
Effective industrialisation must be beneficial for developing regions and countries to reduce poverty. However, economic development policy differs from region to region due to various factors including natural resource endowment, technological advancement and availability, supply chain, past history of industrial development, community agreement and consumer preferences. This course provides an opportunity to learn how these are differ across three countries/regions through cross-national interactive group work exercises.
Course Dates (TBC): Thursday - Friday, 3.30pm - 6.30pm JST
Eligibility Requirements:
Undergraduate or Postgraduate student enrolled in a UNSW degree.
Background knowledge of economics/statistics required.
Students must be able to attend all classes at the times specified above.
COIL E-Course 6: Social Entrepreneurship for Social Transformation
This course will explore social entrepreneurship. Students will identify key elements which make organisations/social enterprise bodies successful in creating impact and strategies that drive innovation to combat issues in local and global communities. This course will offer the opportunity for students to work together on building solutions to social issues and develop operational models to address these problems.
Course Dates: 12th, 19th, 26th January 2024 and 2nd , 9th February - 6.00pm - 9.00pm JST
Eligibility Requirements:
Undergraduate or Postgraduate student enrolled in a UNSW degree.
Background knowledge of fundamental business concepts, such as business models and revenue generation.
Students must be able to attend all classes at the times specified above.
Ready to apply? Follow these steps:
1. Check you meet the eligibility requirements for your chosen E-Course and that you will be available to participate in all the sessions at the times specified.
2. Register your interest for this program at https://unsw.aglobal.education/st-application by 7 December 2023 (places are limited so apply early!)
3. Save a copy of the relevant E-Course's application form below and complete it with your details.
4. Create a Powerpoint slide (1 slide only) about yourself.
5. Attach the application, along with the Powerpoint slide to an email to [email protected] by 7 December 2023. Please make sure the attached files are named with your zID and full name.
PLEASE NOTE: All required documents must be submitted by the deadline in order for your application to be considered for nomination.
More information
For further details:
- Email – [email protected]
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