Researchers at UNSW are conducting a project to understand what measurement tools are most appropriate for medical and health students to use in measuring their attitudes and knowledge toward interprofessional learning and practice.
What's involved?
Join a three-hour, facilitated workshop and work with other students to review a number of interdisciplinary educational tools. Together, you'll decide on a set of measurement tools that would be appropriate to deliver to medical and health students in a survey.
Read the Participant Information Statement and consent form
You'll be compensated for your time with a $100 gift voucher. You'll also be provided with lunch and will be offered co-authorship in the publication of the study.
You must be enrolled in one of the following programs:
o Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Medicine/Master of Pharmacy
o Bachelor of Exercise Science/Master of Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology
o Bachelor of Applied Exercise Science/Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
o Bachelor of Nutrition/Master of Dietetics and Food Innovation
o Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry
o Bachelor of Vision Science
o Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine
o Not in your first year of study
Get involved
To learn more or express your interest, contact Dr Daniela Castro de Jong at [email protected] or 02 9065 2386.
This research has been reviewed and approved by either the University of New South Wales Human Research Ethics Committee or a Human Research Advisory Panel. If you have any complaints or concerns about the research study please email [email protected] or phone +61 2 9385 6222 quoting the following number iRECS5772.