Enrol in a 2025 Law & Justice special topics course


The Faculty of Law & Justice has opened two Special Topics courses in Term 2 2025. 

1. LAWS3850/JURD7850 Special Topics in Private Law (T2B, 2025)
The focus of this Special Topics in Private Law course is comparative European private law. The course will introduce you to the uses and methodology of comparative (private) law both at the European level and at the level of the EU member states. The course will open with a short introduction on the relationship of European harmonization of private law with the national private laws of the member states and on comparative law and legal transplants.

2. LAWS3854/JURD7854 Special Topics in Sociolegal Studies (T2A, 2025)

This course will give you a critical understanding of the legal processes and social and political effects of the making land into property. The course aims to introduce some of the major legal, political and theoretical issues associated with land law reforms and regimes which dispossession particular populations. It will give you a historical grounding in the enclosure and marketization of land throughout the common law world, and knowledge and understanding of the legal mechanisms through which such enclosure and marketization took place (including legal forms relating to land imposed through colonialism, development and financial securitisation).

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