The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is an important government initiative coming into effect for Australian Higher Education from 2021.
What is a USI?
The USI is a single identifier for your education journey and it links to an online account which contains all of your training records which you have completed in Australia.
Your USI is a 10 digit ID code that works just like your zID for UNSW and helps keep a record of your studies across multiple institutions and universities.
The USI will be introduced gradually, starting will all domestic commencing students from 2021. By 2023, all tertiary students (including those who started before 2021) will need to have a USI in order to graduate and receive their award.
Create your USI
Use this step-by-step guide to help you create your USI.
Your USI is unique, is yours for life and creating your USI is quick, easy and free!
Find your USI
You may already have a USI if you have completed studies since 2015.
Recover your USI using your:
Email Address
Mobile Number
Security Questions
Personal ID
Provide your USI through myUNSW
Once you have your USI:
Login to myUNSW
Click on My Student Profile
Click on Unique Student Identifier under Personal Details
Enter your 10 digit USI