Student Minds

Want to support your peers and their mental health?

Mental Health is a key health focus of and sits alongside the Health and Wellbeing Ambassador Program. It is led by the Student Minds Program Assistant and is supported by a volunteer committee, including two event officers and a volunteer officer. 

Student Minds coordinates mental health-related initiatives and assists with this across all health areas, to:

  • Reduce stigma related to mental health
  • Improve mental health literacy of their peers
  • Increase awareness of mental health issues
  • Encourage help-seeking behaviour
  • Increase awareness of UNSW and external mental health services
  • Promote positive psychological resilience
  • Be the voice for a student experiences, needs and perspectives in mental health.

Student Minds plays a role in the activation of UNSW’s Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy as a peer support network for initial contact and assistance relating to mental health concerns. Student Minds is coordinated by the Student Minds Assistant who is responsible for the coordination of the program.

No new applications for 2025 are open at this stage. Any opportunities will be detailed here in the future.


  • Accredited by UNSW Advantage = Yes
    (For recognition on Australia Higher Education Graduation Statement)

Availability of activity

All year round

Type of activity

Community volunteering

Interest area / Advantages

Serve society, Value diversity, Foster collaboration

Skills required and/or developed

Event & project management, Interpersonal & communication, Leadership, Marketing & PR, Organisational & time management, Team work & networking

Contacts and more information

Madhav Raman
Health Promotions Engagement Officer
[email protected]

For more information about co-curricular activities, see UNSW Advantage.

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