First Years' Feed

Top 5 tips to get you through exams

First Years' Feed


By Si Thu Zin 

Exam season is a very stressful time for every uni student – here are a few tips I have learnt over the past few years that have helped me through many exam periods.

Eat, Drink, Sleep

Eating three meals a day, staying hydrated and only snacking on healthy food is important to me during exam season. I also try to get around 8 hours of sleep before exams to feel refreshed the next day as well. I often struggle to do this during exam periods because of the stress but my mood and concentration is just a lot better when I have my 8 hours of sleep and eat and snack right.

Stay organised

I make sure that my study space is organised and has enough space for all my notes; having a comfortable chair, good lighting and having my phone away to remove any distractions are important to me as well. I also make sure to organise my digital space – by having all course documents in a folder and organising my notes on OneNote. It’s especially useful when I have an online open book exam. Moreover, to stay organised with my study list I use sticky notes on my board and TasksBoard to organise my to-do-list.

Study smart

Nothing’s more important than studying consistently and preparing early. The hard lesson I learnt from multiple exams is that cramming does not work! Start exploring different study styles and find one that works for you. I now make sure to go through the past papers early on in the course as well because it not only familiarises me with the exam format and structure but also the chance of questions being repeated from past paper is high.

Ask for help

Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. There are always people around who want to help – message your friends, text in the course group chats, email your professors, or ask in the Moodle Discussion boards. Forming study groups with my friends have helped me through many exams - whether it’s online or in-person. There are also society study groups as well (e.g., Sydney International Students Discord Channel). Most importantly, if you are too stressed and are struggling, UNSW has great services like Mental Health Connect, Psychology & Wellness and the UNSW Health Service.

Take regular breaks

I try to have regular breaks between my study sessions. While I am usually tempted to watch TV, I do try to get some fresh air and time away from a screen.  I call my parents and friends, or just take a power nap in between my study sessions. I make sure to get some exercise as well, whether it is a run around the block or a quick gym session.

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