What is the census date?
The census date is the last day you can withdraw from a course without financial penalty. If you don't withdraw before midnight on the census date, you are liable to pay the course fee. The census date is also the last day domestic students can apply for Commonwealth Assistance.
Your fees are due at the end of the first week of the teaching period, unless otherwise stated on your Fee Statement. Each teaching period has its own census date set by UNSW in accordance with Commonwealth legislation (HESA 2003). Census date deadlines cannot be extended for any teaching period.
Questions about fees, payment and census dates can be directed to the Student Financials team.
Information for
International students

Your fee payment is due at the end of the first week of the teaching period.
International fee-paying students, you must finalise your enrolment by the census date. If you are a sponsored student your sponsor needs to know the payment due dates.
Domestic Commonwealth supported students

Your student contribution payment is due at the end of the first week of the teaching period.
You must finalise all enrolment, student contribution payments and HECS-HELP arrangements by the relevant teaching period census date or your enrolment will be cancelled. This includes provision of a valid Tax File Number if required.
Under Government legislation, Commonwealth Supported students who have elected not to provide a valid Tax File Number or certificate of Application for a Tax File Number and have not made the required Student Contribution/HECS-HELP payment by the date set by the University, must have their enrolment as a Commonwealth supported student cancelled. Such students will not be permitted to undertake studies in their program in that teaching period as a Commonwealth supported student.
For further information, visit the Government's Study Assist website.
Domestic fee-paying students

Your fee payment is due at the end of the first week of the teaching period.
Domestic fee-paying students, you must finalise your enrolment and any FEE-HELP arrangements by the census date.