On-Campus Invigilated Final & Supplementary Exams
On-campus invigilated final and supplementary exams are centrally timetabled final exams conducted under supervision at UNSW's Sydney campus. We recommend you visit UNSW's Final Exams website for more information about what to do to prepare for your on-campus invigilated final and supplementary exams.
Important information to help you prepare for your on campus Inspera exam
IT support for Inspera and Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
During Term, for in-term exams and practice Inspera/SEB tests and other related issues, please contact the EdTech Hub.
During the Term 3 2024 final exam session, an onsite IT Helpdesk will be available to support students from Friday 22nd November to Thursday 5th December. Find it in the John Niland Scientia Building Foyer, G19 on the Campus Map. No booking required!
Operating Hours
- General queries: Monday to Saturday, 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm
- Students sitting an exam only: Monday to Saturday, 8.30am - 10am and 1pm - 2pm
Students should NOT contact their teachers directly, nor will teachers be providing any direct support, on the Exam Day. The Exams Team will track and manage any and all enquiries or special circumstances for centrally timetabled, off-campus and on-campus final and supplementary exams, e.g., approved extra time, technical issues, exam errors, sickness etc.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) & Hardware Requirements
Students with an on-campus invigilated final / supplementary exam will need to bring their own laptop to complete their exam. If you are unable to BYOD, you should arrange to borrow a laptop from the UNSW Main/Law Library
Read more about Exam Approved Calculators and Computers.
Laptops & Power Adaptors
- Bring your laptop fully charged to your final exam. Join the uniwide WiFi network.
- Your laptop must have Safe Exam Browser installed prior to your exam day.
- Pack your power cable to charge your laptop during the exam (although access to power in your exam is not guaranteed).
Other Devices & Programs
- Bring your smartphone to the exam fully charged in case you are prompted with MFA to login to your exam.
- Log any other users out of your computer.
- Make sure to close all background apps and programs before opening the test in Safe Exam Browser.
System Requirements
Make sure to check your Operating System and Internet Browser before attempting an assessment/exam with Inspera. Install new versions of the browsers and enable the following:
- Cookies
- Popups (in both internet browser and security software)
- Javascript
Inspera should be accessed by any of the two most recent stable versions of the following web browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari
Mac users are strongly encouraged to have a secondary web browser installed in the event their SEB-enabled final / supplementary exam cannot open in Safari.
Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a web browser environment to carry out e-assessments safely and maximize the security aspects of any exams. The software turns any computer temporarily into a secure workstation and limits the use of certain applications and unauthorized resources (e.g., browse websites, take screenshots, screen sharing) on your device during an exam. It doesn't send any personal information to any centralized server and is not connected to any web analytics, user tracking or clickstream analytics service. For your final exam to function in SEB, it first needs to be launched from your web browser. We recommend you have the latest operating system and browser along with ensuring your anti-virus software is compatible with SEB.
Install the UNSW compatible version of Safe Exam Browser for Mac or Windows from the links below. If you download SEB from elsewhere online, your UNSW Inspera test may not work.
Download the correct SEB version
For MAC laptops:
For Windows laptops:
SEB for Windows (version 3.8.0)
Canberra On-Campus Final Exams
Students taking an on-campus invigilated final exam at UNSW's Canberra campus, please check your assessment instructions for whether or not SEB is required for your on-campus exams.
Inspera Safe Exam Browser Preparation: Practice Test
Follow the steps below to prepare for your on-campus invigilated exam in Safe Exam Browser:
- Before you begin, save your work and shutdown all background apps and programs. Use Task Manager to ensure you close all background apps and browsers. You may need to disable or uninstall screen-sharing (e.g., TeamViewer) and gaming (e.g., Steam) applications.
- Install Safe Exam Browser from the links on this page.
Important! Please install the UNSW compatible version of SEB for Mac or Windows from the links above. If you download SEB from elsewhere online, your UNSW Inspera test may not work. If you have installed SEB for a past exam in a previous term, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the version from the links above.
- Take the same laptop on which you have installed SEB to your exam. Please make sure you have full admin rights to your laptop to ensure successful installation of SEB.
Access the Practice Test here, or login to Inspera and go to Demo Tests.
Click Start test in Safe Exam Browser when you are ready to close other programs and start the Practice Test. Test Password: 12345a Quit Password: 1234 Note: If the test doesn't open, try a private/ incognito window on your browser.
Important! You will be given the Test Password to your final / supplementary exam by the Exam Supervisor before the start of your test on the day of your exam.

Should you wish to uninstall SEB from your own device after your Inspera test, or experience any issues during installation, click on these links to uninstall SEB on Mac or Windows.
Accessing Inspera
Log directly into Inspera.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
UNSW is implementing MFA for staff and students. MFA provides an additional layer of security to help protect the University and your account (zID) from unauthorised access. You must bring your smartphone fully charged to the exam room in case you are prompted for MFA before your final exam. Click here to find out more!
Appearance & Accessibility
Click the hamburger icon on the top right corner of your test page to access the appearance options. You can change the colour of the screen, adjust the text size, and use "Text to Speech" if this feature is made available for your assessment or exam. For more details, download the information guide or watch this short video on Inspera's appearance and accessibility features.
Submitting Exam Answers Under Invigilation
You have to manually submit your assessment if you are taking an exam with SEB enabled. Do NOT forget to click Submit now, once you are happy with your answers, to finish your assessment. You will need to do this to be able to exit Safe Exam Browser. Once you have clicked the Submit now button you can no longer edit your responses.

Inspera Final & Supplementary Exams with Handwritten Answers (InsperaScan)
You may be required to submit hand-written responses within your digital Inspera test as part of your on-campus, invigilated final and supplementary exam (e.g., to show workings, equations, graphs, sketches). Check your assessment instructions or ask your course convenor whether you will be required to answer any of your final / supplementary exam questions by hand.
We strongly encourage you to read the student guide below to learn what you need to do for this exam format.
Accessing Results & Feedback
You will receive your final grades via myUNSW. Final grades are released one week after the end of exam period.
Network Issues
Check your assessment instructions for whether there are specific directions to follow should you lose connectivity during your final / supplementary exam. If unclear, please check with your teacher.
If you lose connectivity, stay calm! Do not panic. Your answers are saved in the browser cache you are using. Keep doing your test. Any changes or additions to your answers will be saved in your browser and will be uploaded to Inspera when your Internet reconnects. For a general process on what to do, this Network Issues During On-Campus Final & Supplementary Exams Guide contains instructions you can choose to follow in the event you cannot reconnect to the internet for the remainder of your assessment.
- Don't close your browser
- Don't clear your browser cache
- Don't switch computers
- The most recent answers are auto-submitted at the end of the test, even if you don't click the submit button or make changes later.