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From general support, academic and career support to mental health and wellbeing support, you can explore below all the available services designed to assist you throughout your UNSW journey. 

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Featured news, opportunities and events for UNSW Online students

Changes to UNSW Campus Wi-Fi

UNSW Campus Wi-Fi is being upgraded for students and staff. Learn more about the changes you will have to make to transition your devices to the new Wi-Fi. 

The Business of Leadership Podcast

How can leaders use AI ethically? What role does AI have in augmenting national skills and capabilities? How can we safeguard our right to privacy when using AI?

Learn more about the answers to these questions in the new season of the AGSM Business of Leadership podcasts!

Engineering the Future | Podcast Series

Listen to industry leaders discuss cutting-edge ideas. From exciting developments in nuclear technology to  the universal impact of Artificial Intelligence, dive into these innovations that will impact society over the next two decades.

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