About the program

The BESA Peer Mentoring Program aims to assist new Built Environment students to get settled into university. This interactive program is for all undergraduate students of the Built Environment Faculty.

First-year students are the mentees, who are supported by trained mentors from within their degree. The mentors will range from second year and above. The program is organised by BESA and endorsed by the Peer Mentoring @UNSW Program and the UNSW Built Environment Faculty. This program includes a Peer Mentoring Meet and Greet in Week 2 followed by smaller group mentoring sessions. The format of these meetings will be in-person and may be online as well based on the mentor and mentee's preferences.

When does this program run?

Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3

Week 1 to Week 10 of term (dependant upon mentor and mentee arrangements).

New student (mentee) registrations

Apply now to join the BESA Peer Mentoring Program! 


Mentor applications

All Mentors must undertake mandatory training organised by the university. Apply now to become a BESA mentor! 


More information

Ines Aftalion and Rachel Huai-Ching Tsai, 2024 Peer Mentoring Coordinators

Email:  [email protected]



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