There are a number of conditions on your international student visa tied to your academic choices and progression.

Modes of study

The differences between full-time and part-time study, distance learning/online learning and Summer Term.

Reducing your study load

There are implications of not maintaining a full-time study load.

Amendments and variations to your enrolment

How changes to your enrolment such as program leave or early/late completion impact your student visa.

Credit transfers and advanced standing

What happens if you are given course credit or advanced standing for previous study.

Academic progression

Information about maintaining satisfactory course progression and completing your program (degree) within the time specified on your visa and Confirmation of Enrolment.

Applying for a new Confirmation of Enrolment

If you need to apply for a new Confirmation of Enrolment, here you will find links that will assist you to understand what is required

Program transfer

What happens if you transfer to another program within UNSW.

Academic Improvement Module (AIM)

A self-paced online module that allows you to reflect on your academic experience and identify steps in which you can achieve your academic and career goals.


Need to speak with an Academic Advisor?

International Student Guide to Meeting with Academic Advisors

This resource has been created to help assist international students make the most out of meeting with their Faculty Academic Advisor or Support Coordinator.

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