JD/PD Impact Peer Mentoring

About the program

The JD/PG Impact Mentoring Program is a peer mentoring program offered by the UNSW Law Society that assists incoming Juris Doctor (JD) and Postgraduate (PG) students with successfully transitioning into law school.  First year students are paired with senior mentors who are trained to help navigate the demands of law student life in a friendly group setting. The program aims to support students holistically by emphasising the importance of building a healthy social network, and provides valuable opportunities to create strong social bonds through participation in weekly group meetings. Each term ends on a high note with an informal closing event complete with catering and social activities. 

When does this program run?

Term 1 and Term 3

Week 2 to Week 7 of term.

New student (mentee) registrations

All students in their first year of a JD or PG program at UNSW are welcome to register.

Mentor applications

Senior JD/PG students (second year and above) who are keen to make a difference are encouraged to apply!

The selection process consists of a written application and an interview. Upon selection, mentors must complete Central Peer Mentor Training and a briefing conducted online. 

More information

Gerald Kuo and Ivan Man, Program Coordinators for UNSW Law Society Inc. 

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.unswlawsoc.org/student-life/mentoring

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