About the program

Designed to connect BABS students at different stages of their degrees, this program encourages mentors and mentees to develop a supportive network and facilitate conversation about possibilities in the BABS field.

Mentors and mentees are assigned a pair or small group at the beginning of term, through which they are encouraged to meet on a regular basis, at a minimum of once per week, and facilitate conversation about study, life, and beyond the undergraduate degree. Halfway through the program, "buddy groups" were established, through which existing pairs or groups were encouraged to combine their mentoring sessions, in order to ensure supportive interaction in the wider program. Mentors and mentees have first access to a number of BABSOC social, professional and academic events throughout the year, which they are highly encouraged to attend as a bonding activity in the program.

Given the pressures of COVID, this program encourages the use of online platforms of communication, such as Zoom, which has added greater flexibility in accommodating for schedules and demands.

When does this program run?

Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3

Week 1 to Week 10 of term.

New student (mentee) registrations

The BABSOC Peer Mentoring Program is open to students studying any BABS-related course.

T1 2025 registrations will be open early next year.

Mentor applications

Mentors must be studying a BABS-related course. Successful applicants will be required to attend the Central Peer Support Training.

T1 2025 mentor applications will be open soon!

More information

BABSOC Professional Events Coordinator

Email: [email protected] 

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