Swimmer in a pool with text Elite Athlete Peer Mentoring

About the Elite Athlete Peer Mentoring Program

The program aims to assist student athletes in their transition to university life and to increase their awareness of support and development activities available on campus. A welcome meet and greet will be held in OWeek and other presentations will take place in week 1 and week 5. There will be a mixture of one on one and group mentor sessions on other weeks through term. There will be an informal coffee catch up in the miscellaneous week.

When does this program run?

Term 1. The program starts during Orientation week and ends in Week 10 of T1. 

New student (mentee) registrations

This program is for Elite Athlete students first and second years.

T1 2025 registrations will open soon!

Mentor applications

Mentors must be 3rd, 4th and above year students and EAP alumni.

More information

Helen Bryson, Elite Athlete Coordinator

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