About the program

BINFSOC peer mentoring aims to connect students who are interested in or studying Bioinformatics (in either the Engineering or Science streams or as an elective) with a more experienced mentor. Because the cohort of Bioinformatics students is small, we want to help connect you to a group of other students who study similar degrees. We want you to have fun and feel supported with a weekly mentoring session with your mentor between Weeks 1-10. BINFSOC will also host social events to bring together all mentor groups. 

When does the program run?

Term 1

Week 1 to Week 10 of term.

New student (mentee) registrations

This program is for less experienced Bioinformatics students (in either the Engineering or Science streams or interested in studying it as an elective) who are interested in connecting with like-minded peers and a more experienced mentor.

Please follow “UNSW Bioinformatics Society” on Facebook for more information. T1 2025 regos will open in T1 O Week. 


Mentor applications

To ensure sufficient understanding of Bioinformatics, we expect all mentors to be 3rd year or above (or have studied BINF2010). Please follow “UNSW Bioinformatics Society” on Facebook for more information.

Upon being accepted into the program, you will attend our mandatory induction session, where we provide all the details for commencing as a mentor in the program.

T1 2025 mentor applications will open soon. 

More information

UNSW Bioinformatics Society

Email: [email protected]


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