About the program

UNSW Digital Society Peer Mentoring Program is a 5-week mentorship program that aims to support and guide new DigiSoc members to start their chapter at UNSW. Mentees will have a designated mentor to guide them through the abundance of opportunities that UNSW has to offer, both socially and professionally. The program will be geared towards 1st-year university students but not restricted to them as we welcome anyone passionate about technology to join.

When does this program run?

T1 Weeks 2-9.

New student (mentee) registrations

We focus on uniting students who have a strong interest in all things digital.

T1 2024 mentee registrations will be open later this year. 

Mentor applications

T1 2023 Mentor applications will be open later this year. 

More information

Ce Min Pangastur & Jane Feng Zhuo, DigiSoc Program coordinator/Careers Director

Email: [email protected] 


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