About the program

The CrimSoc Peer Mentoring program is an academic and social initiative by the UNSW Criminology Society, designed to aid first-year criminology students through weekly mentoring sessions, social events and connecting with a network of similar students. Program Mentors will support Mentees with specific courses (e.g. CRIM and SOSS) by providing tips, assisting with their course content understanding and directing individuals towards additional resources. The mentoring sessions will be held in groups of 3 or more, as well as, 1-on-1 and will be allocated according to the preferences stated during the application process.

When does this program run?

Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3

Week 1 to Week 10 of term.

New student (mentee) registrations

Term 2 registrations are now closed. Connect with the society to find out about joining in Term 3!

Mentor applications

T2 Mentor applications are now closed.

Second year and above Criminology students are encouraged to submit an application. Shortlisted mentors will be invited to interview.

More information

UNSW Criminology Society

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.facebook.com/unswcrimsoc/

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