This page lists the UNSW prize winners for 2023.

We congratulate all prize winners on their excellent performance!

University Medallists

The University Medal is one of the most distinguished awards to be bestowed on an undergraduate.

University Medallists 2023

University Medal in Aeronautical Engineering: GE Warren
University Medal in Bioinformatics Engineering: L Dickson
University Medal in Chemical Engineering: IG Notarpietro
University Medal in City Planning: MJ Thrum
University Medal in Civil Engineering: JC Gois
University Medal in Computer Science: LR Parker
University Medal in Computing & Cyber Security: CAA Wise
University Medal in Design: J Qian
University Medal in Ecology: JJ Chabros
University Medal in Ecology: K Guo
University Medal in Economics: N Chang
University Medal in Economics: S Pietsch
University Medal in Electrical Engineering: Z Chen
University Medal in Exercise Physiology: B Shah
University Medal in Film Studies: BZ Levin
University Medal in Fine Arts: V Rampal
University Medal in Functional Materials: F Chen
University Medal in Genetics: ER Lonergan
University Medal in Geology: R Carter
University Medal in Industrial Design: M Yuan
University Medal in Interior Architecture: JA De Jonge
University Medal in Landscape Architecture: JA Shreeve
University Medal in Law: IC Wainwright
University Medal in Laws: V Karna
University Medal in Materials Engineering: MAP Miljak
University Medal in Mechatronic Engineering: CA Dutkiewicz
University Medal in Mechatronic Engineering: A Cunio
University Medal in Medical Science: BJ Leong
University Medal in Medicinal Chemistry: I Jaitly
University Medal in Medicine: EK Fergusson
University Medal in Medicine: NL Zubrzycki
University Medal in Molecular and Cell Biology: JL Turco
University Medal in Neuroscience: AL Harrison
University Medal in Paediatrics: AE Jorgensen
University Medal in Pathology: ER Kershler
University Medal in Pathology: R Parthasarathy
University Medal in Petroleum Engineering: A Jofri
University Medal in Pharmacology: N Tapaswi
University Medal in Photovoltaic & Renewable Energy Engineering: S Wang
University Medal in Physics: FAR Lempriere
University Medal in Physiology: A Ramanayake
University Medal in Process Metallurgy: TD Pham
University Medal in Psychiatry: MD Budiarto
University Medal in Psychology: NN Huang
University Medal in Public Relations & Advertising: ML Price
University Medal in Pure Mathematics: JZ Yang
University Medal in Social Work: JW Lee
University Medal in Surgery: STW Chung
University Medal in Vision Science: IH Huang

UNSW Prizes

By Faculty:

UNSW Arts, Design and Architecture

The Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture Dean's List (Postgraduate):

 AM Abbott, FR Abdul Azeez, IA Adamek, DA Agar, AR Aguilella, HA Aitken, O Ali, J Alice, L Allison, SA Ambrosia, EK Anderson, LF Angus, MD Annisa, LC Anthony, JW Appleton, DC Asencio Galvis, J Ayoub, A Babu, EJ Balfour, AV Barnstone, V Baskar, S Bassett, KT Batho, KR Beasant, AE Bennett, JE Bierstedt, NA Binti Mohamad, R Birch, LA Blondel, EL Boffa, FE Boughton, A Boyd, RD Boyd-Weetman, ND Branch, ES Brender, LM Bretherton, SH Brown, JA Burnham, S Byun, M Cabuling, RA Calleja,VF Campos Campos,SJ Carpenter,KE Carrigan,HL Chan,HN Chan,JH Chan,SW Chan,VL Chandra,SR Channell,AR Chapman,C Chen,J Chen,SJ Chen,Z Chen,CW Cheng,N Cheng,T Cheng,Y Cheng,AE Chiller,CY Chim,TS Chung,CL Clarke,EK Cliff,AR Colley Hart, LK Collyer, CA Coman-Sargent, EP Comerford, NR Contreras, ER Cooper, JC Cooper, AR Courtenay, EK Couttas, TA Cox, NL Crabe, AF Davies, ME Davies, RS Davies, TR Davies, KK Desai, NS Dharma, HA Dohadwala, DL Dolkens, Y Dong, EK Doyle, EV Drenth, ZJ Duarte, LH Duncan, JT Dungca, A Dyakova, OL Dyer, RI Eagleton, K Ekadjaja, A Elgamel, J Elijah, SR Ellery, M Ersoy, CA Erzetic, T Feng, M Fernandez, JJ Fisher, S Flaxman, CO Frazer, B Frazis, AB Fry, GI Furlong, VA Gajanayake, VH Gan, SC Gilster, HG Goddard, TL Goile, L Golembowski, R Goncalves Borrega, LS Gonzalez Padilla, ME Gordon, MG Gordon, MJ Gore, T Gorji, OA Gower-Brown, T Gozal, CI Grace, DA Graham, D Gray, CA Green, M Grinenco, TJ Gummery, D Gunasekaran, MD Gunawardena, SP Gundecha, PT Gunewardena, Y Guo, P Gupta, Z Hameed, S Han, T Hardie, AJ Harper, JL Harris, SK Hayim, D He, Y He, Y He, EK Henderson, H Hng, CY Ho, C Hoang, E Hollaway, KJ Hooper, ME Hosking, J Hu, X Hu, N Hua,Q Huang,Y Huang,CL Hummer, TF Husain, TB Huynh, KM Ikhtiar Uddin Arafat,AP Irwin,GH Isidro,G Issa,D Iumartov,N Jagani,MD Jenkins,V Jewarut,Q Jian,FA Johnson,LC Johnson,N Johnston,JE Jolley,. Jovin Sam Sunny,MA Kaluzynski,GE Kane,B Kang, NA Kartsiotis, KI Kayago, KM Kelly, SL Kennedy, N Kesavan, HE Kesby, J Kho, TJ Koch, S Kodiganti, SR Kohlbacher, RM Kothari, MB Kotrangada, L Kovarcikova, K Krsoska, A Kumari, TH Kun, ST Kuriyakose, CW Kwong, PC Kwong, E Kypriotis, AA Laiq Ahmed, AM Lansley, S Lattanavong, JT Lawrence, NR Lawrence, HH Le, KY Lee, J Li, K Li, LL Li, T Li, T Li, L Liang, BA Lieberfreund, SM Limbrick, EJ Lin, JK Lin, J Lin, S Lin, Y Lin, Z Lin, Z Lin, N Lingutla, JP Liu, Y Liu, AM Locke, CO Logan, RA Lord, C Lu, H Lu, X Lu, D Luk, BE Magnum, A Maharani, LI Maher, A Maiorano, A Malyk, R Manakit, FI Mann, MP Mariton, MJ Markakis, SJ Martelle, G Marzulli, KL Maynard, DJ Mazza, G McGuiness, AM McKey, LJ McMillan, HC Meagher, A Meletath, RA Melgar Alvites, M Mellsop, L Meng, CJ Mercer, RN Merhi, DM Merlino, SD Misso, TP Mistry, . Moh Moh Thet, M Mohan, NG Monaghan, BA Money, LE Monk, KI Monkhouse, MJ Moss, HN Mou Sin, M Mournehis, LJ Mullane, L Munro, TF Myhill, S Nara, E Nativelle, A Naumovska, IL Nelson, PT Nguyen, TV Nguyen, MJ Nixon, H Njotoputro, CC Oh, AL Packard, MP Padgett, B Paek, TB Palmer, RA Pambudi, SM Pandiella-McLeod, MT Pang, PS Panglima Polem, MR Panlee, K Panyasiry, RA Papas, HS Park, NV Parkar, TH Patel, UP Patil, R Paudel, MM Peachey, R Permatasari, AO Persson, A Phetsada, T Phommachanh, SA Platt, TC Polden, MK Pontin, CY Pow, JL Price, MS Prieto, H Proust, TY Qi, RY Qin, DR Quilala, ER Quinn, AR Radford, S Rajendra, PA Ramirez Duran, KI Ramirez, AS Ramos, S Randall, . Richu Jose, ZC Rinzin, JC Roberts, HM Robinson, AL Roch, JS Rudnick, PM Ryder, A Saad, S Sadeghi, C Sae-Yang, H Sahrawat, ZA Saiyed, SE Santos, RA Saquin, K Sato, S Satthatips,PH Schiffmann, A Seeley,M Senthilkumar,P Seo,DD Shah,S Shaji,N Shang,S Sharma,CE Sharp,AJ Sharpe,C Shaw,SS Shetty,NJ Shirlaw,HL Shum,CH So,S Soghomonian,D Souknilanh,ZM Speer,B Srihari,S Stafford,JA Stephens,MM Streater,D Su,W Su, R Susanto,K Svengsucksa, PP Szpalinski, JH Tan, NC Tan, RH Tan, WJ Tan, Y Tang, Y Tao, R Tarun Nichani, S Terbrueggen, ME Thambar, MJ Thamsirisup, N Theisz, J Thomas, BA Thompson, TM Thompson, A Tingey, JE Tippett, JB Todd, K Todd, JD Tran, SJ Trevarton, Z Vafaee, E Vallina Aparicio, T Vannitamby, T Varadarajan, P Vechpanich, N Velez, A Vilayphone, B Vongkhamchan, MJ Wainwright, S Wang, W Wang, KL Watson, KR Welch, M Wertheim, SR White, EJ Whiting, AM Wikramanayake, JP Wilkinson, JC Willis, F Wilson, JK Wilson, H Wu, S Wu, S Wu, Y Wu, R Xiao, Z Xiao, W Xie, C Yang, L Yang, L Yarlagadda, SG Yem, KH Yeo, LP Yeoh, M Yin, KF Yu, KA Zenere, H Zhang, L Zhang, M Zhang, J Zhao, J Zhao, S Zheng, Z Zheng, H Zhou, L Zhu, Y Zhu, Z Zhu, Z Zhu (shared) 

The Faculty of Arts,  Design and Architecture Dean's List (Undergraduate): 

M Abzack,  NW Adikarta,  CT Adina,  EJ Agahari,  RS Ahn,  T Airey,  MI Alba,  AJ Alberto,  KE Alexander,  MJ Allen , EP Anderson,  JH Anderson,  BG Anson,  GA Anugraha,  M Aoki,  AA Apap,  T Appleby,  RD Aquino, CA Arcenal, K Argiropoulos, RL Argos, GA Ariston, AM Arkapaw, OE Arnold, KN Asuzu, S Athanasiou, VS Aubard, JJ Austin, A Babeck, II Backer, JN Baduria, A Bai, Z Bai, JL Baird, TM Baird, KJ Baker, SG Baker, Z Bakerman, J Balasubramanian, ER Bannerman, V Baranowski, L Barber, JR Barton, SI Beaumont, CA Beckwith, B Belbase, AM Bell, BF Benyon, ZE Berg, NS Berry, EM Berzins, HA Berzins, RM Besley, DM Bhale, CA Bieman, MS Blank, A Bogdan, BA Booth, ML Bourgeois, EA Bourke, EJ Bower, JF Boydon, NC Bradshaw, SA Branagh, K Brennan, NS Brobyn, AS Brown, ES Bruce, DL Bryan, AJ Buchen, B Buchner, EM Buckland-Watts, MD Burch, PA Burge, CL Burke, LG Butterworth, PL Byrnes, M Cai, GW Caldwell, NM Camilleri, AL Campbell, JE Campbell, PE Campos, GH Camstello, Z Canik, SA Cannes, Z Cao, CR Caplin, EM Carnegie, AE Carroll, CP Carroll, AJ Carter, JA Carter, EL Catania, MG Cavaleri, N Cavaliere, AZ Chan, DH Chan, LM Chan, YN Chan, A Chao, S Charif, MH Chau, I Chen, L Chen, P Chen, RE Chen, S Chen, X Chen, C Cheung, ER Cheung, V Cheung, AY Chew, LY Chin, SB Chin, MG Chiu Lo, DC Cho, ZH Chow, SJ Christie, J Chu, TY Chu, MB Chung, SW Chung, NA Clark, OP Clarke, FJ Clarkson, AJ Clear, A Cliff, HD Clift, JA Coelho, MN Colborne, RM Coleman-Hicks, EL Collins, SG Connor, JD Constance, AJ Conyer, BC Cook, KG Cooney, LZ Copland, SA Correa, TL Corrigan, IL Cosby, LH Cox, LG Cox, IF Cron, SM Cullen, CC Cunha, JM Curran, A Cymbala, S Dai, SC Dalton, JS Danes, K Dang, NT Danh, JL Davey, NL Davis, CL De Laine, MJ De Leon, SZ De Vine, JW Dempsey, HS Denington, H Denis, IS Derkenne, PN Desai, H Dhimitri, TC Di Lucia, S Dias, AR Dickerson, PL Dickins, TI Difinubun, M Dimackie, CH Ding, AC Dizon, HA Dobson, EA Doig, EM Dona, L Dontamsetti, A Doueihi, SJ Dower, EJ Dowling, JP Driene, EJ Driver, LR Drysdale, SI Duflou, MW Duncan, P Dunstan, D Duong, Y Dussek, BJ Dutton, MA Eagleton, IM Eckstein, IG Edwards, ZJ Eggers, LJ Eichmann, O Einav, H El-Kashouty, CV Eliot, JM Ellis, G Elsemary, RF England, AC Erlich, PL Escorrido, JS Etwaro, JL Evangelista, DR Evans, ER Fagan, R Fan, Y Fan, S Fatiuk, SL Favaloro, C Fei, M Feng, Y Feng, MC Fenn, CA Fernando, WM Ferris, EM Fine, ER Fisher, JF Fisher, EG Fisk, JK Fleming, NS Fordham, CE Foster, HK Foster, CM Fraser-Carroll, L Freiha, J Fukuta, JC Fulton, HP Fuminashi, N Gache, CL Gallagher Silver, HR Gamboa, L Gao, Y Ge, HP Gearin, NP Gee, OS Geehan, WE Geeves, D Georgaklis, GI Gerhard, N Ghosh, BG Gifford, G Giuliani, AT Glastras, AG Godwin, D Godwin, YX Goh, SJ Golchin, CA Golden, AJ Goodridge, ST Goodsell, WI Goodwin-Moore, JG Gough, K Govender, RN Gray, CP Greig, JE Guillermo, PJ Gunaratne, J Guo, M Habbouchi, PL Hagberg, ZR Hagop, AD Haji Johari, BR Hales, CA Hall, J Hall, TM Hall, S Halstead, M Hamalala, AM Hammond, ZD Hammond, BJ Hammond-Brown, SM Hammoud, TK Hanley, CM Hannigan, R Hansen, J Haoushar, CR Harcombe, R Harrison Lorenzi, LM Hartingdon, AM Harvey, F Hasler, ES Hawkins, EE Hayes, L Hayward, AJ He, R He, E Heiler, TR Helfand, PM Hendriks, T Henning Zallez, JA Henson Gallardo, SR Henson, IP Herbert, RE Herron, ES Hew, T Hideura, LJ Higgins Bush, SL Higgins, AK Hill, VM Hill, SV Hingmire, JC Ho, NP Ho, VS Ho, A Hoang, JA Hodge, SV Hofman, MR Holland, LK Holliday, LE Hooper, N Horniak, K Horsley, SB Hoschke, GM Houston, PM Houvardas, SX Hu, GK Huang, L Huang, Y Huang, HY Hui, CJ Hunter, B Hutchison, MS Hutchison, SR Ibanez Cruz, MS Ibbett, C Immidi, S Ip, OG Iredale, J Irvan, PK Jabbal, C Jackson, CE Jackson, VS Jackson, RF Jamet, JE Janssen, HA Jarman, IR Jedlicka, S Jeffery, LS Jenkins, W Jiang, YY Jiang, Q Jin, A John, EC Johns, AJ Johnson, TE Johnson, SY Johnston, PR Jones, N Jugow, PH Jung, ZH Kachwalla, EJ Kaine, PM Kallapatha, K Kalogerakis, M Kang, JC Karabesinis, RD Karpin, PD Katon, MA Keierleber, JW Keith, EC Kendrick-Smith, CJ Keogh, SL Kerridge-Creedy, A Keyhani, AS Khan, RP Khanolkar, S Kher, MD Kilpelainen, CY Kim, JW Kim, KT Ko, S Ko, HR Kohler, RE Kolbe, JW Kong, J Kontogiorgis, M Kontou, H Kook, EJ Kruger, CC Kuklin, M Kumar, MG Kurniawan, I Kuzmanovska, T Kwan, L Kypriotis, VS Lacoste, AM Lahtinen, J Lai, JW Lai, M Lak, JH Lam, KT Lam, TY Lam, LM Lamont, NC Langley, JK Lao, CY Lau, HV Lawrence, IM Lawrence, K Lawson, AP Lay, MM Le, RJ Ledesma, A Lee, C Lee, D Lee, I Lee, J Lee, J Lee, ND Lee, S Lee, JT Leon, NV Leong, XY Leow, AC Leung, G Levenspiel, S Li, TM Li, Y Li, Y Li, JLiang, S Liang, S Liang, RG Lidbury, SJ Liddicoat-Choi, AA Lieu, ME Liew, EG Lim, JA Lim, ML Lin, KE Lindsay, ZB Lister, MJ Littrich, A Liu, B Liu, C Liu, C Liu, F Liu, SJ Liu, X Liu, Y Liu, MI Lo Russo, L Lofberg, CM Longworth, JM Lopez, WP Low, AL Lu, Y Lu, Y Lu, E Luc, B Lui, C Luo, L Lusina, AQ Luu, AN Luu, CA Ly, AR Lyall, EJ Lymn, MK Lynam, ZB MOHAMMAD NOOR AZRI, MH Ma, IE Mabin, TA Machet, TH Mackenzie, MO Madrid, I Maglis, MJ Maher, CK Maistry, C Makridopolus, E Malik, OB Maljevac, S Mancuso, DS Mangat, ST Mansoor, SE Marcelino, JB Marsh-Cashman, AB Masterton, AS Mathioudakis, N Mattedi-Ryan, KJ Mayman, GM Mazon Solis, C McCrow, TL McDonald, K McEwan, JL McGrath, OC McKasah, DP McLaren-Kennedy, KM McLean, JB McLuckie, HC McPherson, BC McRobbie, L Medlin, L Meng, Y Meng, HM Meyer, ML Meyers, SJ Micallef, SL Michell, LS Mikhael, G Miller, N Milogiannakis, GL Mitchell, TZ Mo, TA Moir, AK Mok, JJ Molloy, FR Monaghan, AS Monardo, LS Monera, G Monteiro, CA Moore, PL Morandin, PS Morris, TJ Morris, TJ Muller, HM Mullins, SL Mumford, MK Murn, HP Murphy, AT Murray, JJ Murray, LM Murray, CA Muzic, TJ Myers, H Nadeem, S Nagaraj, SL Naing, TS Navra, EC Naylor, L Neilson, RJ Newman, AE Newton, C Ng, HY Ng, JP Ng, J Ng, RS Ng, VW Ng, WT Ng, WL Ng, HC Ngai, NB Ngo, ET Nguyen, JB Nguyen, KT Nguyen, LT Nguyen, NA Nguyen, TN Nguyen, RJ Nicholas, AC Nolan, CT Nolan, M Novak, EJ O'Connell, CJ O'Hagan, TW O'Keefe, N Odeh, LM Odins, KJ Oh, JM Orrock, A Osborne-Snell, M Osman, EG Pacholke, LP Pangilinan, P Papacharalambous, E Papagianopoulos, JP Paredes, JH Park, EE Parker, HN Patel, J Patrick, KA Paul, CM Pazpinis, DN Pazpinis, EV Pearce, LI Pearce, LJ Pek, SC Pek, EL Pellegrini, LR Pellegrini, MP Pepperell, HA Perera, PS Peresiper, HM Perez, LM Personeni, EJ Peters, AM Petersen, MR Peterson, JM Petkovic, A Petrovski, SJ Petrovski, AT Pham, AW Phelps, S Philippe, CD Phipps, IP Pike, AU Pintos-Lopez, AA Pirwani, CJ Pizzinato, MV Pollard, BE Powles, SJ Pretty, A Procopiadis, AD Psilopanagiotis, ZA Punjani, I Rahman, A Rai, R Raj, MJ Rajchert, JN Ralph, RK Ram, LK Ramia, R Rao, CJ Rattray, MI Raven, DL Read, MR Rebello, JI Redfern, A Regan, AM Rehayem, CM Reid, OM Reily, IM Reis, GI Reyanto, M Rice, N Riedwyl, MR Rizme, JJ Robertson, ER Robinson, CH Rochios, BR Roebuck-Krautz, PA Rogers, UG Rogers, EJ Rogut, RB Ronquillo, PA Rummery, MJ Rusli, M Russo, SC Rutzou, AD SALAZAR, B Saad, V Saini, V Sakis, MS Samerski, H Samimi, JP San Jose, IC Santillan, IN Sanzari, KJ Sato, JF Schwab, EA Scorer, AI Scotland, IA Searle Garduno, SL Seeneevassen, NM Seeto, JJ Semaan, J Seshadri, A Shan, BM Shannonhouse, Z Shehadeh, XC Shen, X Shen, Y Shen, JA Shreeve, A Shrestha, IV Sicard-Lemaistre, S Sieng, D Silva, A Silver, K Simitzis, CF Sinn, S Sivakumar, S Sivakumaran, N Sleiman, ZH Slunjski, FP Smith, GE Smith, HC Smith, LM Smith, RA Smith, SN Sobott, N Solbudak, J Song, YF Song, E Spencer, M Squire, R Stavroulakis, AL Steel, MT Steer, EJ Stewart, DG Stirzaker, S Stuebe, K Su, KX Sun, MB Sun, S Sun, NJ Sunderland, LC Sung, SP Suters, TJ Suthons, V Synesios, Y Takayama, HX Tam, HW Tan, EK Tanttari, VS Tantuachut, DJ Tate, CA Taylor, TH Taylor, GS Teo, AJ Terno, N Thapa, SC Thomas, MJ Thrum, CA Tinker, CE Tjong, C Todoroski, Y Tokimoto, AJ Tooth, JE Townsend, HN Tran, JT Tran, KH Tran, CP Traynor-Macks, BC Tresno-Turner, K Trinh, AM Truong, TL Truong, IV Truscello, MK Tsang, M Tsangaris, JJ Tunggono, GR Turner, K Turvey, A Tutos, SJ Twaddell, JW Tyson, A Vallikkattil, LJ Van Es-Dickman, JE Vaneris, A Varvaressos, LJ Velez, JR Verbo, R Vidgen, JV Vu, T Vujic, S Walker, SJ Wallace, SC Walls, S Wan, D Wang, H Wang, H Wang, J Wang, J Wang, MA Wang, NA Wang, W Wang, Y Wang, AZ Warner, H Wason, A Watanachai, AP Watts, TG Wayne, JF Wayne-Lowe, TL Webster, GL Weiss, IS Wells, LA Whitby, EJ White, EL Wilkinson, S Willems, GZ Willey, JC Williams, AG Wilson, MJ Wilson, LL Win Tun, BR Winship, CC Winterton, A Wirtz, CC Wong, CK Wong, KH Wong, MC Woo, ZM Wood, JL Wrench, GM Wright Willemsen, C Wu, E Wu, Q Wu, VS Xian, Y Xian, OJ Xiao, A Xie, J Xie, D Xin, C Xu, K Xu, S Xu, S Yaco, J Yan, DC Yang, M Yang, Y Yang, AJ Yao, TE Yapp, J Yeung, J Yim, E Yin, DM Young, NL Yousaf, D Yu, EJ Yu, X Yu, AF Zahra, JS Zande, LM Zarb, A Zarthoshtimanesh, A Zeidan, SM Zenari, L Zhai, J Zhang, K Zhang, MC Zhang, OZ Zhang, J Zhao, R Zhao, Y Zhao, SW Zheng, A Zhou, J Zhou, SH Zhu, W Zhu, C Zhuang, A Zoldos, G de Queiroz, N de Waal (shared)


School of Built Environment

The 1 Bligh Street Master of Architecture Final Year Prize in Sustainable Highrise Architecture:
T Feng 

The Andrew Taylor Memorial Prize: HK Michael 

The Belinda Brito Prize for Creativity and Passion in Design: G Levenspiel 

The Castle Mountain Prize in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies: HC Ngai 

The Castle Mountain Prize in the Master of Architecture: HK Michael 

The Frank Fox Memorial Prize: S Tu 

The Hans Westerman Prize: ZB Lister 

The Harry Howard Postgraduate Prize: SW Chan 

The Harry Howard Undergraduate Prize: JA Shreeve 

The Harry Howard Undergraduate Prize (Highly Commended): HR Kohler, JJ Robertson (shared) 

The Harry Stephens Prize in Interior Architecture: AJ Alberto 

The J M Freeland Prize: KS Soh

The John Shaw Memorial Prize: MJ Thrum 

The Lindsay Robertson Memorial Prize: BA Mahar 

The Lisa Ettridge Memorial Prize: W Xie 

The Margot and Neville Gruzman Prize for Urban Design in Architecture in Year 1 of the Master of Architecture Program: RH Tan 

The Margot and Neville Gruzman Prize for Urban Design in Architecture in Year 2 of the Master of Architecture Program: Z Zhu 

The Tract Consultants Portfolio Prize: ER Fagan 


School of Art and Design

The Frost Design Prize: J Qian 

The Jenny Birt Prize: JR Jacky 

The Ross Steele AM Fine Arts Prize: HA Al-Kuwari 

The TWT Excellence Prize: V Rampal 

The Tim Olsen Drawing Prize: HJ Rae 


School of the Arts and Media

The Julian and June Russell Prize: RD Aquino 

The Marie Robertson Prize in Media, Culture and Technology: EL Egan 

The Marie Robertson Prize in Music: RG Nichol


School of Humanities and Languages

The Australia-Japan Society of NSW Prize: AE Newton

The Donald Horne Prize: BC Cook 

The Dorothy Allison-Furhagen Prize: LA Hoenig 

The Douglas McCallum Prize: C McCrow 

The NSW Vietnamese-Australian Community Prize: AK Mathias 

The Orica Ronnie Harding Prize: LR Christen 

The Sydney Korean Consul-General Prize: B Lui 


School of Social Sciences

The Helen Sham-Ho Prize: JW Lee 

The Owen Harries Prize: IS Wells 

The Pamela Ann Yensch Prize: PR Bassett 

The Sol Encel Prize: N Cavaliere

UNSW Business School

The UNSW Business School Dean's Award:

S Anantharaman, JW Ardouin, S Azeez, ZJ Ballantyne, O Bodrova, PY Chai, J Chen, L Chen, Y Chen, Y Chen, JZ Cheng, LA Chin, I Chong, NI Chowdhury, BA Chua, B Dai, HD Damani, X Deng, RB Dinh, Y Dong, H Farrukh, WJ Fell, P Galea, CW Gantt, F Ge, AT Griffin, Y Guo, JP Hardiman, WN Hartono, SA Harvey, T Hassan, W He, RI Howes, X Huang, GD Ibello, M Ibrahim, JI Jagelman, KS Jenner, AI Johnson, LH Jurga, P Karwal, WJ Kerr, D Kostashchuk, Z LIU, SA Laidlaw, DR Leslie, VT Le, M Li, S Li, R Liang, LH Lim, J Lin, L Lin, J Liu, CR Locke, SJ Longo, X Lu, J Ma, VE Madsen, AJ Markezinis, A Maroo, DD McClelland, T McNamara, PB Mishra, F Mo, MS Monk, JL Moses, R Mulvany, HC Ng, KM Ng, BP Nguyen, TJ Niven, PW O'Doherty, MT O'Meally, P Oonjaroensook, DW Otto, L Owens, SS Panagiotou, TL Partridge, GA Putri, M Qiu, YC Quoc, LA Rafter, DW Robbins, JS Rubinstein, AL Ryan, R Salman, VN Sembiring, SA Shelden, NI Sholihat, M Soukkaseum, M Sun, S Suneja, K Svistounova, Y Tan, LA Toomey, K Varianne, Y Wan, H Wang, K Wang, L Wang, R Wang, BH Ward, DK Ware, TE Wijaya, D Wong, SW Wong, G Wu, Z Wu, Y Xing, P Xiong, X Yan, Y Yang, KH Yi, RY Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhao, Q Zhou 

The UNSW Business School Dean's Award - Stage 1:

M Agrawal, Y Anantha-Siva, TC Brandon-Cooper, KJ Chang, JH Chen, PD Chen, PP Chung, JN Elliott, AJ Giles, JH Gorka, NS Guo, ET Hanafi, AZ Hu, DT Jian, S Jin, SB Johnston, N Jordanov, ZM Joseph, JV Keating, AJ King, B Kuo, MK Lam, HH Leung, HK Liao, R Mahir, ZS Modesto, AH Peng, WR Perera, T Rakis, JB Rassou, A Ray, L Ruan, S Sobti, D Song, JL Tan, A Thomas, G Tian, A Tong, H Tran, ML Vucic, H Wang, D Yan, MX Yang, CJ Zhang, Z Zhuang, J Zuo

The UNSW Business School Dean's Award - Stage 2:

N Anantha-Siva, BM Anderson, AT Arago, AM Arias, KR Blackburn, EL Boey, AP Bounassif, OR Brindley, SA Cannes, JF Chan, EJ Chandler, A Chawla, CM Cheung, MT Chong, SW Chow, RM Cuasay, AR Devarapalli, C Dickerson, V Ekanayake, N Fejsa, HJ Forman, C Hua, JC Huang, HH Hui, LA Hui, Z Jenkins, EY Ji, AS Kandiah, AD Lai, P Lee, D Liu, S Liu, SM Nguyen, CA Noesjirwan, FD Pagaduan, R Pandit, FM Petrelis, S Polepalle, EZ She, A Sheedy, IC Tan, A Tejani, MT Tran, C Traynor, SD Tuladhar, JJ Turner, SY Wu, J Xia, J Xie, EY Xiong, M Yu, X Yuan, S Zhang 

The UNSW Business School Dean's Award - Stage 3:

B Bourdaniotis, ML Bown, JT Chia, F Da Mota, RY Dai, WJ Degotardi, S Ding, HP Dinh, X Dong, Y Easwaran, TJ Elkovich, X Fan, RL Fox, J Gao, Z Gao, CE Gattellari, SJ Hodgson, AB Innis, Y Jin, JH Karnaghan, NM Kerry, MT Khawaja, LD Kim, T Kim, C Kostopoulos, M Li, NW Li, E Liang, X Lin, F Liu, K Liu, S Lou, J Ly, T Madfouni, DA Maselli, JR McArdle, TR McCann, NJ McGrath, GA McLennan, VM Mehta, PJ Nah, HK Osterberg, M Pant, MD Patel, HM Pham, J Qiao, D Rajasundaram, P Rawat, M Savkin, H Singh, S Soon, AV Sukkar, T Sukkar, N Tandiono, K Thevarajah, D Tjahjadi, AY Wang, AR Wang, Z Wang, EB Wong, R Wu, R Xue, AZ Yan, SZ Yee, J Zhang, S Zhao, K Zhou, RS Zhou 

School of Accounting, Audit and Tax

The Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Prize for best performance in Undergraduate foundational courses in Accounting Major: K Liu

The Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Prize for best performance in Undergraduate final year courses in the Accounting Major: S Bletsas

The Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Prize for best performance in Postgraduate foundational Accounting courses: T Hue

The Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Prize for best performance in Master of Taxation capstone course: IN Musryid 

The Gordon Cooper AM Memorial Prize in Commercial Transactions Tax: AT Griffin

The Nexia Australia Postgraduate Prize: D Liu

The Nexia Australia Undergraduate Prize: Y Horiba

School of Banking and Finance

The Financial Management Association of Australia Prize: BJ Sutton

The Wongsodihardjo Prize in Investment Modeling: MJ Elwaw

School of Economics

The Productivity Commission Prize: A Lee

Centre for Social Impact

The Anton Mischewski Design for Social Innovation Prize: A Walsh

The Lusthaus Prize - Term 1: KJ Parkes

The Lusthaus Prize - Term 2: S Polepalle

The Lusthaus Prize - Term 3: JR Barton

The Lusthaus Prize - summer: MP Chidam

School of Information Systems and Technology Management

People and Technology (PAT) Professor Finnegan Memorial Prize: R Brown

The Professor M Weinstock Memorial Prize -1: A Jiwasiddi

School of Management & Governance 

The Professor Chung Sok Suh Memorial Prize: D Tjahjadi 

The Veronica (Caihui) Lin Memorial Prize: HC Ng, TM Tsuro (shared)

School of Marketing

The Peter D Walker Prize in Marketing: K Ekadjaja 

School of Risk & Actuarial Studies

The E S Wolfenden Memorial Prize in Actuarial Studies (Honours Year): R Beniwal 

The E S Wolfenden Memorial Prize in Probability and Statistics for Actuaries (Postgraduate):
N Anantha-Siva, JJ Turner, Y Zhou (shared)

The Finity Consulting Prize: BJ Quek 


The AGSM MBA Full-Time Dux Prize: A Jolly 

The AGSM MBA Full-time Responsible Management Prize: E Raff

The Ariel Prize: S Chakrabarty 

The Professor Wanbil Lee Prize for Ethical Leaders in Business: L Zinatullin

UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy

The Best Student in the Bachelor of Arts: KE Lattimore
The Best Student in the Bachelor of Business: DP Conaghty
The Best Student in the Bachelor of Computing and Cyber Security: KR Elliott
The Best Student in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours): GE Warren
The Best Student in the Bachelor of Science: C Marsri
The Best Student in the Bachelor of Technology: MA Christensen
The CTMC Academic Prize: DA Fawcett
The Dr Alan Carter Oceanography Prize: LY Dall
The R.J.A Barnard and Mildred Prentice Memorial Prize: C Marsri
The RAAF Beaufort Bomber Prize: DC Melia
The Ria de Groot Prize: M Cully-Hugill
The Stephen Fester Prize: AJ Hepworth 

UNSW Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering Dean's Award:

SS Ahmed, CS Ahn, TD Aquilina, S Baskar, AD Bergheim, ND Binti Haji Mohneh, MA Borscz, MP Broady, DD Cai, AJ Castrisos, MC Chan, DX Chen, AW Cheong, RS Chiang, XJ Cooney, D Cooper, NJ Coren, LS Cullen, NJ Damaso, H Diao, CA Dutkiewicz, RJ Evans, AC Fan, J Frey, KT Glover, T Gong, JW Grant-Klar, HP Guan, L Harvey, JA Hayhoe, DJ Honig, IL Iliffe, YR Jayasooriya, G Jiang, W Jin, E Joseph, C Kethees, LM Kim, ZC Lee, H Li, JJ Li, DS Liang, J Lie, JC Lim, WC LimSchneider, X Lin, JS Liu, CL Lu, J Lu, K Lu, J Lum, KM Mackay, S Manikandan, CL McGowan, R Mehta, MA Montiel, BW Morris, LP Murphy, HK Ng, V Nguyen, LK Nielsen, OD Ohis, KB Palletenne, L Pan, C Pepperell, ZD Petersen, TH Pham, T Qu, J Rao, FJ Reyes, AM Ritossa, M Sinha, M Siu, JH Sommer, ZL Sormaz, JH Sotomayor, AS Tan, JB Tang, J Tao, Y Tong, W Truong, A Wang, EL Wang, H Wang, J Wang, R Wang, Y Wang, EA Williams, RH Willingham, SM Woodhouse, J Wu, D Xu, R Xue, FL Yan, J Youn, H Yu, T Yu, Z Zhang, X Zhu, EE du Toit

The Malcolm Chaikin Prize for Research Excellence in Engineering: G Chu 

Faculty of Engineering, Three Minute Thesis - First Prize: A Goswami 

Faculty of Engineering, Three Minute Thesis - People's Choice: A Goswami 

Faculty of Engineering, Three Minute Thesis - Runner-up: J Wu 


School of Chemical Engineering

The Fuel Technology Staff Prize: LC Praxedes Treasure, N Thamrongpraditt (shared)

The IChemE Prize: IG Notarpietro 

The Norman Prize in Chemical Engineering: Y Jin 

The Professor Graham Fleet Memorial Prize: JM Won 

The Samos Polymers Prize in Advanced Polymers: D Wu 

The Samos Polymers Prize in Chemical Product Engineering: M Jayaraman 

The UNSW Chemical Engineering Prize for Process Design: GS Burge, SC Connolly, EL Elkington, DL Wark, S Yuan (shared)

The UNSW Chemical Engineering Prize for Product Design: Laureen Lizbeth Amariss, KA Pratama, WS Salim, J Winstania (shared)

The UNSW Chemical Engineering Prize in Undergraduate Chemical Product Engineering: AC Madirazza 

The UNSW Chemical Engineering Prize in Undergraduate Food Science: J Winstania 


School of Computer Science and Engineering

Autumn Compass COMP4128 Prize: TE Harrison-Brown

The Amadeus COMP6991 Prize: JB Codd

The Autumn Compass COMP4128 Prize, 2nd Place: D Xu

The Autumn Compass COMP4128 Prize, 3rd Place: BW Morris

The Citadel Securities Year 1 Computer Science Excellence Prize: M Siu

The Citadel Securities Year 2 Computer Science Excellence Prize: XJ Cooney

The IMC COMP3121/3821 Prize, 1st Place: D Xu

The IMC COMP3121/3821 Prize, 2nd Place: JH Sommer

The IMC COMP3121/3821 Prize, 3rd Place: K Zhou

The Jane Street COMP3141 Prize, 1st Place: RL Davis

The Jane Street COMP3141 Prize, 2nd Place: XJ Cooney

The Jane Street COMP3141 Prize, 3rd Place: YR Jayasooriya

The Jane Street COMP3161 Prize, 2nd Place: VL Zhang

The Jane Street COMP3161 Prize, 3rd Place: JC Lim

The Jump Trading COMP3222 Digital Circuits and Systems Prize: LP Murphy

The Jump Trading COMP3231/9201/3891/9283 Prize: W Wang

The Jump Trading COMP3231/9201/3891/9283 Prize, 2nd Place: LJ Hilliar

The Jump Trading COMP3231/9201/3891/9283 Prize, 3rd Place: L Lee Solano

The Jump Trading Hero of Operating Systems Prize: LR Parker

The Optiver COMP3411/COMP9814 Prize: AN Prawirosoenoto

The Optiver COMP3411/COMP9814 Prize : X Zhang

The Optiver COMP3411/COMP9814 Prize : Y Li

The Optiver COMP6771 Prize: A Chen

The Optiver SENG3011 Group Prize: M He, G Kan, E Lee, CK Toh, E Yang (shared)

The ROKT COMP2041 Prize: D Xu


School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Alexander Wargon Prize: HK Lee 

The Australian Steel Institute Undergraduate Steel Design Prize: TL Tang 

The BOSSI Medal: TJ Maile 

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil with Architecture Discipline Prize: AL Vorstermans 

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Construction Management Discipline Prize: K Subakaran 

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Environmental Discipline Prize: MJ Gertos 

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Discipline Prize: P Hazarika 

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Practice Prize: KA Sorensen

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Structures Discipline Prize: HK Lee 

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Surveying Discipline Prize: BW Hutchinson 

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Water Discipline Prize: DF Djaidiguna 

The Crawford Munro Memorial Prize: S Jian 

The Engineers Australia Civil and Structural Engineering Prize: Y Liu 

The Full Time Class of 1962 Civil Engineering and Surveying Alumni Prize: OA Bourke 

The Geospatial Council of Australia Prize: CE Warren 

The Institution of Surveyors New South Wales Prize: TJ Maile 

The Jacob N Frenkel Prize: HK Ng 

The Maurice Maughan Prize: X Zhang 

The R S Mather Memorial Prize: ZN Aubourg 

The Weld Australia Prize: C Xu 


School of Electrical and Telecommunications

The Michael Hintze Memorial Prize in Power Engineering: NK Munasinghe 


School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

The Best Undergraduate Final Year Thesis Prize:
 KE Alday, SA Archer, E Bermudez Guerra, NR Brouggy, JY Chan, TM Haley, J Li, S Li, J Lo, AJ Pataki, BA Paton, T Perng, A Roy, EM Thomas, AV Tran, M Zhao (shared)

The C Madhusudana Prize: A Wang 

The Douglas Archer Prize in Aerospace Engineering: KJ Charde, CA Dutkiewicz, JC Logozzo (shared)

The John Harrison Prize: YL Pong, T Yu (shared)

The Professor Eddie Leonardi Prize: MA Montiel 

The R E Jeffries Memorial Prize: CW Mui 

The RAA Bryant Prize: AG McIntosh 

The RS Components Prize for Engineering Excellence: AM Cunio, CA Dutkiewicz (shared) 

The Warwick Slade Royal Aeronautical Society Prize: M Bhatia, N Kumar, Z Li, JC Logozzo, A Sckaff, J van Hulsen Akouri (shared)


School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering

The Behre Dolbear Prize: V Salamakha 

The Behre Dolbear Prize for Best Overall Proficiency (or Performance) in Year 3: BJ Mundey 

The Bruce Hebblewhite Prize in Mining Engineering: R Hu 

The Charles Warman Prize: BJ Mundey 

The David Laurence Prize: HJ Macdonald 

The David Phillips Prize: GB Miller 

The Drilling Engineering Award: ND Binti Haji Mohneh 

The Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery Prize: A Jofri 

The Jim Galvin Prize: TJ Komacha 

The Joan Bath Prize for Women in Mining Engineering: TJ Komacha 

The Mitsubishi Prize: BJ Mundey The Natural Gas Engineering Prize: MA Al Shukaili 

The New South Wales Minerals Council Prize for Best Overall Performance (or Proficiency) Year 2: TD Aquilina 

The New South Wales Minerals Council Prize for Best Performance in Hardrock Mine Design Course: T Andresson, TM Baker (shared)

The Outstanding Year 1 Student Prize: M Allulu 

The Outstanding Year 3 Student Prize: TS Wong 

The Outstanding Year 4 Student Prize: D Li 

The Petroleum Economics Prize: TS Wong 

The Reservoir Engineering Prize: L Brunton 

The Roxborough Prize: KP Dipowikoro 

The Stan Sawyer Memorial Prize: R Hu 

The Thesis Project Prize: D Li 


School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering

The Applied Photovoltaics Prize: JA Hall Lucas, SM Woodhouse (shared)

The Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems Prize: K Fungyai, N Middleton (shared)

The Photovoltaic 2nd Year Project Prize: Z Jin, LH Lee, ET Lelis Diall, SB Lewis, WC LimSchneider, LV Tyack, AL Wentworth-Ping (shared)

The Photovoltaic Thesis Prize: LT Cowgill, S Wang (shared)

The Solar Juice Renewable Energy Thesis Prize: JB Hutton 

The Steve Robinson Memorial Prize: Y Liu 

UNSW Law & Justice

The Dean's List - Faculty of Law:

JURD7160, Administrative Law, NE Trieu
LAWS1160, Administrative Law, J Touffeblin & HO Sefton
LAWS3282/JURD7382, Advanced Administrative Law, L Weilruggeri & NSJ Berry
LAWS3025/JURD7325, Advanced Contract Law, L Qian
LAWS3102/JURD7302, Advanced Criminal Law, KA Cook
LAWS3314, Alternative Dispute Resolution in Practice, B Dunphy
LAWS3144/JURD7444, Animal Law, JE Peiseroliver
LAWS3047/JURD7461, Australian Bills of Rights and the Protection of Human Rights, KP Pande & T Quartullo
LAWS3137/JURD7337, Australian Consumer Law, O He
LAWS3272/JURD7372, Australian Immigration Law and Practice, C Shen
LAWS8026/JURD7526, Banking and Finance Law, SK Dhillon & MA Sulicich
JURD7224, Business Associations, E Whitehurst
LAWS1091, Business Associations, JM Whetters & BR Marzol
LAWS3751/JURD7751, Business Taxation, D Chan
LAWS3392/JURD7492, Children and the Law, A Huang
LAWS8038/JURD7438, Chinese Corporate and Securities Law, H Li
LAWS3123/JURD7323/LAWS8135, Chinese Legal System (SJTU) , C Ienco
LAWS3073/JURD7773, Cities, Planning, Law and Justice, JM Messiha
LAWS8066/JURD7466, Climate Law, C Catanchin
LAWS3023/JURD7623, Commercial and Charitable Trusts, LJ Hubble
LAWS3018/JURD7318, Commercial Law, JHM Brown
LAWS3022/JURD7522, Competition Law, N Rahman
LAWS8219/JURD7419, Competition Law and Policy, DP Leonello
LAWS8765, Complex Commercial Litigation, N Abbey
LAWS3382/JURD7482, Conflict of Laws, AM Witting
JURD7175, Contracts, RL Abeyratna
LAWS1075, Contracts, DFI Pacheco &K Liao
LAWS3135/JURD7435, Conveyancing, BR Marzol
LAWS8028/JURD7428, Corporate Governance, L Wijesena
LAWS8095/JURD7695, Corporate Insolvency, JM Reardon
LAWS3072/JURD7572, Corporate Misconduct and White Collar Crime, JC Hall & W Luong
JURD7251, Court Process, Evidence and Proof, LGH Gleeson & T Zhu
LAWS2351, Court Process, Evidence and Proof, G Goodman
LAWS1021, Crime and Criminal Process, FJ Clarkson & RN Gray
JURD7121, Crime and the Criminal Process, R Trkulja & F Valadkhani
JURD7122, Criminal Laws, EM Mitchellstorey
LAWS1022, Criminal Laws, FJ Clarkson
LAWS8125/JURD7525, Criminal Process: a Human Rights Framework, I Kallinosis
LAWS8076/JURD7376, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, CM Coleman
LAWS3250/JURD7550, Data Privacy Law, RF Dolan
LAWS8014/JURD7514, Defamation and the Media, X Yuan
LAWS3412/JURD7412, Discrimination and the Law, ZS Aylward
LAWS8225/JURD7625, Dispute Resolution in China, AR Torres
LAWS3427/JURD7527, Drug Law and Policy, JT Sykes
LAWS3335/JURD7335, Economic Analysis of Law, TJS Kennedy
LAWS3028/JURD7328, Employment Law, A Rastogi
LAWS3361/JURD7361, Environmental Law, LGH Gleeson
JURD7285, Equity and Trusts, X Ling
LAWS2385, Equity and Trusts, NP Roberts
LAWS3391/JURD7491, Family Law, CA Steinmetz & C Lin
LAWS3396/JURD7496, Family Law Advocacy and Practice, ZCZ Feldman
JURD7250, Federal Constitutional Law, CR Welsh
LAWS2150, Federal Constitutional Law, AW Stefas
LAWS3187/JURD7387, Forced Migration and Human Rights in International Law, J Balasubramanian
LAWS3021/JURD7321, Foundations of Intellectual Property Law, EM Gould
LAWS8075/JURD7475, Gender Race and Justice, AR Tyley
LAWS8214, Global Common Law Systems, SA Batley& Z Lyu
LAWS3401/JURD7301, Health and Medical Law, M Weaver, R Harris, S Wang & K Summers
LAWS3413/JURD7413, Housing Law, SA Correa, C Pittar & A Rastogi
LAWS3513/JURD7813/LAWS8123, Indigenous Children and the Law, EM Bucklandwatts
LAWS8413/JURD7613/LAWS3713, Indigenous Peoples in International Law, XK Waite
LAWS3014/JURD7414, Insolvency Law, NSJ Berry
LAWS8395/JURD7795, Intellectual Property & Tech Commercialisation: Strategic Management of the Lifecycle of Innovation, M Karykis
LAWS3046/JURD7446, Intellectual Property 1: Copyright and Designs, A Rastogi
LAWS8017/JURD7617, Intellectual Property Law, IS Taylor
LAWS8016/JURD7616, International and Comparative Intellectual Property, IS Taylor
LAWS8993/JURD7593, International Business Transactions, J Vorndran
LAWS8104/JURD7404, International Children's Rights Law, CM Coleman
LAWS8020/JURD7420, International Commercial Dispute Resolution, Y Wang
LAWS3067/JURD7467, International Criminal Law, AD Murphy
LAWS8991/JURD7891, International Criminal Law, AG Egertonwarburton
LAWS8319/JURD7619, International Environmental Law, L Paeniu
LAWS8220/JURD7520, International Financial Law , D Kong
LAWS8181/JURD7781, International Human Rights, S Mahmood
LAWS3182/JURD7582, International Human Rights Law and Advocacy, A Hatzisarantinos
LAWS3181/JURD7381, International Humanitarian Law, J Ma
LAWS8079/JURD7479, International Investment Law, V Aidaswani
LAWS3070, International Investment Law and Policy, AK Mathias
LAWS8087/JURD7487, International Law and the Use of Force, N Diane
LAWS8391/JURD7691, International Law of Equality and Discrimination, P Jimenezguzman
LAWS8085/JURD7585, International Organisations, FJ Ewington
LAWS8190, International Refugee Law, FJ Ewington
LAWS3084/JURD7484, International Trade Law: The Law and Policy of the WTO, C Li
JURD7152, Introducing Law and Justice, K Michelakis
LAWS1052, Introducing Law and Justice, M Lee
LAWS3248/JURD7448, IP 2: Trade Marks and Patents, JM Whetters
LAWS8105/JURD7505, Juvenile Justice, LA Davies
JURD7283, Land Law, ZM Robertson
LAWS2383, Land Law, W Luong
LAWS8068, Law and Policy for Sustainable Development, N Diane
JURD7222/JURD7632, Law and Social Theory, J Crittenden & HJ Walter
LAWS2820/LAWS3332, Law and Social Theory, R Haidar
JURD7270, Law in the Global Context, L Qian, AA Thamsirisup, MA Catania & MJ Lighton
LAWS2270, Law in the Global Context, S Hussain
LAWS3133/JURD7333, Law of Banking, LJ Hubble
LAWS8086/JURD7586, Law of the Sea, D Ramadhansyah
LAWS3501/JURD7501/LAWS8001, Law, Gender and Sexuality (NEW), KK Morel
LAWS8185/JURD7685, Law, Urban Sustainability and the New Economy, J Soo
JURD7130, Lawyers, Ethics and Justice, NE Trieu  & EJ Grimes
LAWS1230, Lawyers, Ethics and Justice, NP Roberts
LAWS8213, Legal Concepts, Research and Writing, J Chiang
JURD7284/JURD7784, Legal Experimentalism, ZM Robertson & RE Larsen
LAWS2384/LAWS3384, Legal Experimentalism, BV Stajic & S Khanna
JURD7223/JURD7431, Legal Theory, A Chung
LAWS2320/LAWS3331, Legal Theory, JM Ellis & TJS Kennedy
LAWS8058/JURD7558, Managing Workplace Change & Conflict, MG Alam
LAWS3221/JURD7421, Media Law: General Principles, C Saywell
LAWS8078/JURD7478, Mediation in Practice, DP Leonello
LAWS3512/JURD7812/LAWS8212, Native Title Law Policy and Practice, K Fox & XK Waite
LAWS3208/JURD7608, Older People and the Law (NEW), A Hatzisarantinos
LAWS8040/JURD7440, Online Content Regulation, S Mahmood
LAWS3541/JURD7841/LAWS8241, Pacific Islands Laws (USP), AM Witting & S Barbar
LAWS8082/JURD7782, Peaceful Settlements in Int'l Disputes, D Kong
LAWS8980/JURD7480, Principled (Interest Based) Negotiation, P Xenos
LAWS8180, Principles of International Law, RE Cheetham
JURD7150, Principles of Private Law, K Michelakis
LAWS1150, Principles of Private Law, M Lee
JURD7141, Principles of Public Law, K Ostowari, RL Abeyratna & HJC Hughes
LAWS1141, Principles of Public Law, WT Martin & RN Gray
LAWS8033/JURD7433, Privacy, Publicity and the Media, A Thierry
LAWS3381/JURD7481, Public International Law, R Warner
LAWS3040, Regulation for Cyber Security, AP Slater
LAWS8070/JURD7470, Renewable Energy Law, R Cirillo
JURD7271, Resolving Civil Disputes, JA Stoddart
LAWS2371, Resolving Civil Disputes, SZ Devine
LAWS3155/JURD7455, Responses to Corporate Wrongdoing, J Ma
LAWS8092/JURD7992, Securities and Financial Markets Regulation, L Newton
LAWS3198/JURD7598, Sentencing in Criminal Justice (NEW), C Power
LAWS3812/JURD7516, Sport and the Law, S Sathiyasothy
LAWS3393/JURD7493, Succession, V Tang
LAWS8037/JURD7437, Surveillance Security and Democracy, DA Zelenko & MG Alam
LAWS3623/JURD7633, The Criminal Trial, JH Heywood & AB Tupper
LAWS3442/JURD7942, The Will of the People, V Karna
LAWS3149/JURD7449, Theories of Law and Biology, HD Clift
JURD7236/JURD7336, Theories of Law and Justice, EC Mitchellstorey
LAWS2326/LAWS3326, Theories of Law and Justice, BR Marzol
JURD7161, Torts, K Ostowari
LAWS1061, Torts, X Leow & M Lee 
LAWS3087/JURD7787, US Legal Systems (Berkeley), K Petsoglou
LAWS8989/JURD7689, World Trade Law: Contemporary Issues and Concerns, SS Airton
LAWS8491, Family Law, M Yu
CRIM1010, Criminology: An Introduction, A Steel
CRIM1011, Introduction to Criminal Justice, A Parsons
CRIM2014, Issues in Policing, J Jogia
CRIM2020, Criminal Law and Justice 1, A Hammond
CRIM2021, Criminal Law and Justice 2, S Hoschke
CRIM2031, Indigenous Perspective in Criminal Justice, A Hammond
CRIM2032, Disability in the Criminal Justice System, I Troughton
CRIM2034, Crime, Politics and the Media, B Broodryk
CRIM2037, Explaining Punishment, R Campbell  & C Saizfuentes
CRIM2041, Crime and Punishment in Historical Perspective, M Mccarthy
CRIM2042, Explaining Crime, B Pamungkas
CRIM3000, Criminology in Practice, N Kedemos
CRIM3011, Crime Prevention Policy, X Mains
CRIM3012, Violence and Victimisation, J Haoushar
CRIM3020, The Criminal Trial, I Larsen
CRIM3022, Public Health and Corrections, C Waine
CRIM3024, Issues in Drug Policy, X Mains

The Juris Doctor Medal: A Dumas, A O'Young (shared for T1), S Lee (T2), LG Gleeson (T3)

The Older People and the Law Prize - Term 1: A Hatzisarantinos 

The Allens Prize: K Michelakis 

The Andreyev Lawyers Prize in Commercial Law: JHM Brown 

The Ashurst Prize: MK Lee 

The Baker & McKenzie Prize: N Roberts 

The Bird & Bird Prize: SA Sievert-Kloster 

The Dixon Family Prize in Law: JC Williams 

The Hall & Willcox Prize - in memory of Paul O'Donnell: RD Cirillo 

The Harmers Workplace Lawyers Prize: A Rastogi 

The Judge Ralph J Perdriau Prize: MG Alam 

The Law Society of New South Wales Prize: N Roberts 

The Nicky Block Memorial Prize: A Mohan 

The School of Law, Society and Criminology Prize - 1: JP Touffe-Blin 

The School of Law, Society and Criminology Prize - 2: AL Begg 

UNSW Medicine & Health

School of Biomedical Sciences

The Athol Lykke Stage 2 Pathology Prize: BJ Sexton 

The D I McCloskey Stage 3 Physiology Prize: JJ Pan 

The D N Wade Stage 3 Pharmacology Prize: SH So 

The Dami Atapattu Stage 2 Anatomy Prize: KM Coffey, LE Tie (shared)

The F C Courtice Stage 2 Physiology Prize: RJ Evans 

The G R Cameron Pathology Prize: C Stevens 

The G R Cameron Stage 3 Pathology Prize: AR Spyridopoulos 

The Istvan Tork Stage 3 Anatomy Prize: NC Lotter 

The Maurice (Toby) Arnold Anatomy Prize: C Stevens 

The Paxinos and Watson Neuroscience Honours Prize: AL Harrison 

The School of Biomedical Sciences Stage 2 Pharmacology Prize: AM Scobie 

The School of Medical Sciences Pharmacology Prize: E Ryoo, HA Soenong (shared)

The W E Glover Physiology Prize: E Ryoo 

The Winifred Dickes Rost School of Biomedical Sciences Honours Prize: BJ Leong 


School of Health Sciences

The Exercise Physiology Stage 3 Prize: O Barbar 

The Exercise Physiology Stage 4 Prize: EJ Grimmond 

The Exercise Physiology Stage 4 Research Project Prize: DR Jankelowitz 

The School of Health Sciences Practicum Prize in Exercise Physiology: JW Cullen 


School of Optometry and Vision Science

The ACBO Prize in Binocular and Children's Vision: R Usamah 

The Brian Kirby Prize for Research Excellence in Optometry: R Gyawali 

The CooperVision Prize in Contact Lenses: K Nguyen 

The Designs for Vision Prize: IJ Locke-Sodhi 

The Dr Andrew Whatham Prize for Stage 5 CFEH Clinical Excellence: RJ Chan 

The Guide Dogs NSW/ACT Prize for Excellence in Orientation and Mobility: NJ Dakin, TR Nelson (shared)

The Luxottica Prize for Clinical Ocular Therapeutics: C Tang 

The Mivision Prize in Recognition of Excellence in Social Engagement: Y Wei 

The ODMA Richard Grills Low Vision Prize: C Tang 

The Optometry NSW/ACT Prize in Ocular Therapeutics: Y Wei

 The Research Project Prize in Master of Clinical Optometry: TY Nguyen, VV Tran (shared)

The Specsavers Prize for Excellence in Patient Management: IJ Locke-Sodhi 

The Specsavers Prize for overall excellence in the Bachelor of Vision Science Master of Clinical Optometry program: IH Huang 

The Stage 1 Optics Prize: BS Chan 

The Stage 2 Clinical Optometry Prize: J Nguyen 

The Stage 3 Environmental Optometry and Dispensing Prize: M Lam 

The Stage 3 Ocular Diseases Prize: JM Wehbe 


School of Population Health

The John Hirshman International Health Prize: K Ridgway 

The John Hirshman Prize in Public Health: K Ridgway 

The Muru Marri Aboriginal Undergraduate Merit Prize: JR Hudson-Buhagiar 

The School of Population Health Prize: KT Miller 


School of Clinical Medicine 

The Annual RCS Peter Vine Prize - Phase 2: NT Weththasinghe 

The Bachelor of Medical Studies Academic Excellence Prize: A Annadurai 

The Bachelor of Medical Studies Clinical Excellence Prize: A Abdu, CM Edmonstone, A Wang (shared)

The Bachelor of Medical Studies Graduate Prize: E Ma 

The Best Overall Performance in the Doctor of Medicine: JX Sotiropoulos 

The Combined Teaching Hospitals Senior Staff Prize for Performance in the Phase 3 Integrated Clinical Examination: JX Sotiropoulos 

The David Greenberg Prize in Forensic Mental Health: RF Williams 

The David de Carle Prize: Y Esber 

The Doug Tracy Prize for Surgery: NL Zubrzycki 

The First Year Prize: HI Fay

The Foundation Year Graduates Medal: WO Choy

The Frank Rundle Prize for Surgery in Phase 3: JX Sotiropoulos 

The Frank Vinothinan Prize: NT Weththasinghe 

The Gordon Lowe Memorial Prize: Y Esber 

The Graham Macdonald Prize for Medicine: LL Wang 

The Ian Webster Medal: D Soundappan 

The James Curran Prize for Medicine: AJ Wilson 

The John Coleman Prize in Surgery: TM Fuzi 

The John Edmonds Prize for Medicine: R Parthasarathy

The John Hickie Prize for Medicine: AA Guo

The Katherine Georgouras Prize in Dermatology: MK Chen

The Ken Cox Prize for Surgery: YA Lai

The Max Thorpe Prize: TM Fuzi

The Neil McConaghy Prize for Psychiatry: D Soundappan

The Paediatrics Staff Prize: R Parthasarathy,JX Sotiropoulos (shared) 

The Peter Reed Prize for Surgery: JX Sotiropoulos

The Prize for Medicine in Phase 3: AJ Wilson

The RANZCOG Prize: JN Grant

The RANZCP Prize for Psychiatry: P Vakil

The Sandy Reid Prize: JX Sotiropoulos

The South Western Sydney Clinical Campuses Prize for Medicine: D Soundappan

The South Western Sydney Clinical Campuses Prize for Surgery: B He

The St Vincent's Clinical Campuses Prize: NL Zubrzycki

The Tom Gibian Prize: ST Chung

The W G Tellesson Memorial Prize in Clinical Application of Biomedical Sciences: HK Wen
The Wallace Wurth Prize: EK Fergusson

UNSW Science

The Faculty of Science Dean's List:

R Abeykoon Herath, CS Ahn, ZB Atkinson, EL Beckley, GM Betke, CC Billinghurst, K Bjorkmann, ST Blair, N Blom, AI Bradley, AP Carnabuci, X Chee, RS Chiang, KM Coffey, J Edwards, IS Frankling, J Gao, AG Gemmell, HP Guan, OM Harvey, Y Hasan, WA Heller, RS Hensen, KJ Hertog, AL Hodder, AS Ifti, S Inam, PP Jani, YR Jayasooriya, G Jiang, D Jin, H Jin, Y Jin, AJ Johansson, RW Johnston, NE Kesby, AI Khan, CC Kirlappos, M Knezevic, J Kumar, FA Lempriere, CT Lewis, JZ Liang, WC LimSchneider, C Liong, K Liu, NC Lotter, FY Lu, AS Mah, AJ Manning, WT Martin, AM McNally, R Mehta, DM Mercouris, EA Mitchell, SK Nair, EE Nelson, WL Ng, SJ North, OD Ohis, AR Palmer, JJ Pan, F Parker, SL Patton, TD Pham, V Radchenkov, J Rao, AN Richards, MJ Rutherford, AM Scobie, E Scoufis, BJ Sexton, GE Shao, EZ She, KS Snigurova, SH So, J Song, ZL Sormaz, IA Stanford, KO Strohmayer, B Talevski, LE Tie, L Tobin, Y Tong, G Truman, CA Turner, TJ Valentini, KB Wainstein, H Wang, Y Wang, Z Wang, NJ Widjaja, SM Woodhouse, Z Xian, R Xue, FL Yan, Q Ye, JA You, GM Younes, Y Yu, Z Zain Al Abdin, E Zhang, MW Zhang, F Zhuo

The Science Industry Project Group Prize: CS Chan, A Furness, A Ke, Y Lyu, FD Pagaduan, H Peng, G Robinson, S Seeto, RJ White, Y Zhang (shared)

The Faculty of Science Prize for 1st Year Advanced Science: AR Palmer 

The Faculty of Science Prize for 1st Year Science: D Jin 

The Faculty of Science Prize for 2nd Year Advanced Science: NE Kesby 

The Faculty of Science Prize for 2nd Year Science: SM Woodhouse 

The Faculty of Science Prize for 3rd Year Advanced Science: AS Ifti 

The Faculty of Science Prize for 3rd Year Science: Q Ye 

The Faculty of Science Prize for Honours Year Advanced Science: NN Huang 

The Faculty of Science Prize for Honours Year Science: H Beaton, ER Lonergan (shared) 


School of Aviation

The UNSW School of Aviation Higher Degree Research (HDR) Prize: MJ Dunn, H Zhou (shared) 

The UNSW School of Aviation Honours Prize: D Vinod 

The UNSW School of Aviation Postgraduate Prize: JR Brooks 

The UNSW School of Aviation Undergraduate Prize: AL Dela Torre 

The Wongsodihardjo Prize in Aviation Security and Airport Management: LI Rettie 


School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

The Garry King Prize: TJ Valentini 

The Jackson Prize for Honours Year: JL Turco 

The School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science Prize in Level 1: MK Kearnes, EM Loong (shared)

The School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science Prize in Level 2: E Scoufis 


School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

The J J Frankel Memorial Prize: CC Billinghurst 

The Jack Mabbutt Medal: SW James 

The Lorant Eotvos Prize: RM Carter 

The Marilyn Fox Environmental Science Prize: CA Hogan 

The Memorial Ivor Beatty Prize in Conservation: EK Henderson 

The Prospectors/Suunto Prize: S Grieder 

The Structural Geology Field Prize: CJ Lambert-Bridges 


School of Chemistry

The 3rd Year Medicinal Chemistry Prize: C Do 

The Alan Norman Buckley Chemistry Prize: SM Woodhouse 

The Angyal Prize: A Chen 

The Barbara Messerle Prize and School Medal for Level 2 Chemistry: AM McNally 

The Bosworth Prize in Physical Chemistry: HN To 

The Cavill Honours Prize in Medicinal Chemistry: I Jaitly 

The Don Craig Memorial Postgraduate Prize: ZR Ramadhan

The Howard Prize in 2nd Year Inorganic Chemistry: AM McNally 

The Howard Prize in 2nd Year Organic Chemistry: AM McNally 

The Howard Prize in 2nd Year Physical Chemistry: AM McNally 

The Howard Prize in Chemistry 1A: BS Chan, PP Jani, X Zhang (shared) 

The Howard Prize in Chemistry 1B: A Chao, KM Coffey, AI Khan (shared) 

The Howard Prize in Higher Chemistry 1A: FG Weninger 

The Howard Prize in Higher Chemistry 1B: E Scoufis 

The Howard Prize in Medicinal Chemistry 1A: LA Scarpellino 

The Howard Prize in Medicinal Chemistry 1B: NX Wu 

The Howard Prize in The Chemistry of Catalysis, Systems and Biology: J Pitt 

The Howard Prize in the Chemistry of Materials: M Vamiadakis 

The Inglis Hudson and the Jeffery Prize: LT Suen 

The James Shannon Prize for Excellence in Research using Mass Spectrometry: OH Lloyd Williams

The June Griffith Memorial Prize: E Scoufis 

The RACI Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Group Prize: AW Henningham 

The School of Chemistry Prize for the Best Performance in Senior Chemistry: J Pitt 

The UNSW Chemical Society Dwyer Prize: J Pitt 

The UNSW Chemical Society George Wright Prize: WC Lim Schneider 

The UNSW Chemical Society Parke-Pope Prize: NE Newman 

The UNSW Chemical Society Prize in Level 1 Chemistry: SJ North 


School Mathematics and Statistics

The Alma Douglas Prize for Level 3 Statistics: D Rance 

The Buchwald Prize: LS Ferraro 

The C H Peck Prize: ZB Atkinson 

The CITADEL Prize: HA Wheaton 

The CITADEL Securities Prize: AR Palmer 

The George Szekeres Prize: AJ Manning 

The Head of School's Prize: AS Ifti 

The IMC Financial Markets Prize - MATH1151: YD Shah 

The IMC Financial Markets Prize - MATH1151: HH Hui 

The IMC Financial Markets Prize - MATH1251: S Jin 

The IMC Financial Markets Prize - MATH1251: HH Hui 

The School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize for 1st Year Actuarial Maths: HH Hui 

The School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize for Level 1 Mathematics: I Zafar 

The School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize for Level 2 Mathematics: B Bourdaniotis 

The School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize for Level 3 Applied Mathematics: AS Ifti 

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 2 Applied Mathematics: J Guo 

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 2 Pure Mathematics: GM Betke 

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 2 Statistics: Y He 

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 3 Applied Mathematics: A Chen 

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 3 Pure Mathematics: E Lin 

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 3 Statistics: R Tao 

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Statistics Honours: S Segal 

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize,  Level 1: J Song 


School of Materials Science and Engineering

The Australasian Corrosion Association Prize: RC Vallejo 

The Cochlear Prize: F Zhuo 

The Hugh Muir Prize: L McGuiggan 

The Max Hatherly Prize: N Tear 

The Perfect Engineering Prize - Ceramic Engineering: B Xing

The Perfect Engineering Prize - Materials Engineering: AI Bradley 

The Perfect Engineering Prize - Process Metallurgy: TD Pham 

The Rio Tinto Aluminium Prize: AI Bradley 

The Sir Rupert Myers Prize: RC Vallejo 


School of Physics

The Australian Institute of Physics Prize: M Beocanin 

The B L Turtle Memorial Astrophysics Prize: NE Kesby 

The First Year Director's Prize: AC Fan

The Gordon and Mabel Godfrey Award in Theoretical Physics 4: J Wendoloski 

The Gordon and Mabel Godfrey Prize in Theoretical Physics 3: MA Borscz, E Ho (shared) 

The Head of School's Prize in Physics: FA Pal 

The Physics Staff Prize for Honours: FA Lempriere 

The Physics Staff Prize for Physics 1: EE Nelson

The Physics Staff Prize for Physics 2: V Radchenkov 

The School of Physics Prize in Experimental Physics: MA Borscz 


School of Psychology

The Behavioural Neuroscience Honours Thesis Prize: NN Huang 

The Combined PhD/Clinical Masters Thesis Prize: W Chen 

The Forensic Psychology Postgraduate Student Prize: JY Tan 

The Joseph P Forgas Honours Prize: GD Sebban, CY Tang (shared) 

The Joseph P Forgas Second Year Prize: Y Hasan, WA Heller (shared) 

The Joseph P Forgas Third Year Prize: HA Giddy 

The Paxinos Neuroscience Prize: SK Harmon-Jones 

The Psychology Staff Prize: WA Heller 

The Staff Prize for First Year Psychology: J Li 

The Staff Prize for Second Year Psychology: BS Contractor 

The Staff Prize for Third Year Psychology: Y Jin 

The Syd Lovibond Prize for Psychology Honours: SO Daniels 

The Undergraduate Behavioural Neuroscience Prize: Z Que 


Climate Change Research Centre

The Climate Change Research Centre Prize for Best Paper: EG Rey-Costa 

The Climate Change Research Centre Prize for Science Communication, Outreach or Education: H Dawson, CJ Mora, EG Rey-Costa, C Schmidt (shared)

Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs

Nura Gili Indigenous Programs Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Arts, Design & Architecture (PG): ZJ Sims
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Arts, Design & Architecture (UG): TG McKee
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Business (PG): BL O'Donnell
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Business (UG): KA Wilson
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Engineering (PG): ZM Corbett
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Engineering (UG): J Anderson
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Law & Justice (PG): LA Davies
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Law & Justice (UG): K Fox
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Medicine & Health (PG): SL Lamont
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Medicine & Health (UG): JN Hormovas
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Science (PG): B Tinta Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - Science (UG): SK O'Bryan,E Slicer (shared)
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Excellence Prize - UNSW Canberra (UG): BC Baird
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Spirit Prize - Arts, Design & Architecture: SL Scott
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Spirit Prize - Business: CR Brennan
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Spirit Prize - Engineering: JM Bedford
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Spirit Prize - Law & Justice: PR Bassett
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Spirit Prize - Medicine & Health: N Pollard-Wharton
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Spirit Prize - Science: J McCallum
Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs Spirit Prize - UNSW Canberra: N Mitchell

Graduate Research School

Dean of Graduate Research Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis:

S Afroz, IA Al-Ani, PE Barbosa Andrade L Vasconcelos, CD Bergo, S Bhaumik, TK Biswas, M Bledstein, YN Buratti, J Carson, W Chen, X Chen, HW Coates, AP Corr, M Cully-Hugill, M Davis Johnson, A Dedden, F Dienemann, MB Donnelly, H Dow, SH Dudley, AM Eger, C Fichter, T Foller, A Freelander, J Gacutan, M Gao, CE Gok, K Gopi, P Gupta, R Gyawali, WN Haji Wan Nafi, K Hao, M Helou, A Henry, PA Higgins, TT Hoang, J Hopkins, SM Hosen, S Huang, JM Hudson, NJ Jackson, VR Keshri, W Kim, Y Kim, ZE Krix, . Lakshminarayanan Mohana Kumar, Z Lanetc, A Lawson, JS Leverett, G Li, J Li, Q Li, Y Li, SK Lo, K Ly, T Mechera-Ostrovsky, M Moschetti, MS Moyle, DP Pace, PT Phan, P Pollo, GD Putra, M Revelas, FA Robinson, L Robinson, L Rodriguez de la Fuente, JP Rowlands, AL Schwirtlich, X Shi, JT Smith, EG Sparrow Jones, AW Stoneham, Z Su, Q Sun, J Tang, ML Toomey, J Trofimovs, C Tsounis, V Vieira Rielli, N Wang, Q Wang, Y Wang, N Wang-Ly, JD Watson, L Wimberger, Z Wu, Z Xie, HL Yip, Y Zeng, D Zhang, Z Zhang, S Zheng, S Zhou (shared)

Information is correct as at 7 March 2024. Prize details and prize winners may be updated during the course of the year and all updates will be published on the UNSW Prizes website.

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