About the program

This program includes 2 streams, the Undergraduate Program and the Honours Program.

Undergrad Program: The Psychology Peer Mentoring Undergrad Program supports first year students to transition into studying in the School of Psychology. Groups of 2-3 third year mentors run hour-long weekly mentoring sessions across Week 1-10 in Term 1, with small groups of first year mentees to help students adjust to life at university. Flexible mentoring sessions are student-need centric, and aim to cover material covering academic, social, university and career resources and information.

Honours Program: The Psychology Peer Mentoring Honours Program supports students to thrive in their honours year. Groups of 2-3 PhD or Post-doctoral candidates run hour-long mentoring sessions 3 times a term with small groups of honours mentees. 8-10 mentoring sessions are run across the year. Mentoring sessions are student-need centric and informal, and aim to provide social support, advice and resources on managing well in during honours.

When does the program run?

Term 1

Week 1 to Week 10 of term.

New student (mentee) registrations

The Undergraduate peer mentoring program is for all first year Bachelor of Psychology and Bachelor of Psychological Science students, as well as students in Bachelor of Science programs planning to major in Psychology.

.Late registrations are subject to timetables, mentor availability and group size.

Registrations are open!

Sign up now!

Mentor applications

Mentor recruitment is now closed.

For more information, please email [email protected] or keep your eye out for Mentor registration links that will be posted to Moodle for core Psychology subjects.


More information

Email: [email protected]

Website: Peer mentoring program | School of Psychology - UNSW Sydney


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