What is the UNSW Lecture Recordings+ service?

The UNSW Lecture Recordings+ service enables automated capture of lectures with recordings available to students via their Moodle course site, as well as a suite of lecture tools that promote and support active learning.

Recorded lectures support student learning by providing flexible access to lecture content and the opportunity for students to review lectures that they have attended.

The active learning tools are designed to encourage engagement of students through polling, quizzing and discussion activities.

How are my lectures scheduled for recording?

All lectures that are timetabled within a lecture recording enabled venue, are automatically scheduled for recording.

However not all lecturers will use the service, or choose to share these recordings with their students.

What is recorded?

Any audio that is captured via the podium or lapel microphones, and any video signal (eg. Presentation slides) sent to the primary projector. Note, video of the lecturer is not recorded.

Recordings are scheduled to start five minutes after and end five minutes before the scheduled lecture time. This allows academics and students to arrive into the venue and get prepared, and then pack up and leave for the next class.

We recommend that students do not hold private conversations with the lecturer near the podium at the start/end of class, in case they are accidentally recorded.

How can I access and review my recorded lectures?

Lecturers can choose to share their lectures with their students through their Moodle course. Typically most staff choose to share one link per lecture time slot, though some staff prefer sharing each recording individually.

Most lecture recordings will become available within a couple of hours of the lecture being complete. Some lecturers may choose to release lecture recordings at a later date, for example during the exam revision period.

To playback your captured lecture recordings:

  1. Log in to Moodle and click on your Course to open it
  2. Click on the UNSW Lecture Recording+ link that your lecturer has shared
  3. In the class list, click on the class name that corresponds with the past lecture that you wish to view
  4. Use the player controls to view or otherwise engage with the recorded lecture

Screenshot of player controls

How can I participate when in a lecture?

We recommend bringing a personal device, such as a laptop or tablet, to your lectures. By doing so you gain the ability to see available lecture slides, signal confusion to your lecturer, answer interactive questions such as multiple choice, ask/answer questions in the forum, and take digital notes.

Once you arrive at the venue, you will need to:

  1. Connect your device to the venue wireless network
  2. Open your Moodle course, and click on the UNSW Lecture Recordings+ link
  3. Open the appropriate class

Do not assume that your lecturer will be able to answer the Q&A forum, or confusion flags, in realtime, or even after the lecture. Attempting to do this for the average class can be very disruptive to the lecture experience. Rather use these tools as an opportunity to address each other’s questions, and ‘like’ the more valuable questions in order to highlight these for a teacher response after the class.

Note, the author of anonymous posts is hidden from other students, but they are not hidden from the instructor. The instructor can see who posts anonymously.

Can I download audio/video copies of the lecture?

Yes, unless the instructor chooses to disable this. See the Student Gateway for instructions on how to download lecture recordings.

How can I get support?

Several teams support different elements of the UNSW Lecture Recordings+ service:

Is my lecturer using this service? If so, where is my link?

  1. Contact your lecturer who can answer both of these questions

There is something wrong with the UNSW Lecture Recordings+ service?

  1. Contact UNSW IT Service Centre on 02 9385 1333

What should I do if I cannot connect to uni-wide, or experience an unreliable connection?

  1. Contact UNSW IT Service Centre on 02 9385 1333

Lecture Recording Checklist

1. Pre class

  • Confirm ahead of time whether the lecturer is using the service, and where you need to go to access the link
  • Double-check whether the lecturer made any resources available ahead of the class

2. During class

  • Bring a personal device and connect to the class
  • Make notes, flag confusion and ask questions in the Q&A forum. Don’t forget to like other students questions, the most popular are most likely to be answered by instructors.

3. After class

  • Return and check whether any questions have been answered subsequent to the lecture.
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