About this program
The Women in Science Peer Mentor Program is a supportive and inclusive program that aims to nurture undergraduates throughout their varying degrees. This program is strongly designed to assist women in the STEMM field to reduce the stigma concerning women, or other minority classes, within the science discipline. This is an all-inclusive program that seeks to encourage female, male and non-binary individuals from all degrees that are not simply science related. The Women in Science mentoring program is an AHEGS accredited program that is highly recommended for those wanting to gain experience in leadership and who strive to empower both our current and future generations, while creating a strong social network in the process!
The program consists of Mentors assisting Mentees throughout their undergraduate studies. The program aims to match Mentors with Mentees that have specific degrees/majors and interests in common so that the experience is tailored to the individuals. Mentors meet up with their Mentee for 1 hour a week over Term 1 or Term 2 (at least 5 times), giving the Mentee time to ask questions or gain help in creating friendship/networking circles.
NOTE: Mentees do NOT have to be 1st years only, they are able to be students of any undergraduate year as their Mentor only has to be at least one academic year older.
Mentors and Mentees will have the opportunity to participate in two social events in each term that the peer mentoring program is actively running. The first is a bonding night where all the Mentors and Mentees come together to meet each other in person. The second will be incorporated into a regular WISSOC event that Mentors and Mentees will be informed of closer to the date.
When does this program run?
Term 1 and Term 2.
You can choose to stick with the program for Term 1 and Term 2 or pick one term.
New student (mentee) registrations
Anyone can apply! You do NOT have to be in a science degree or a woman in STEMM, despite this being our primary target, to apply. We aim to make this program as diverse as possible so we encourage men, women and non-binary individuals to participate. Each Mentee will be paired with a Mentor closest to their degree/major or interests.
Registration is open in early 2025.
Mentor applications
All are encouraged to apply, however, as Mentors we are mainly targeting undergraduate females, males and non-binary individuals in STEMM, to be allies and to spread the message of equal opportunity. This is a platform to build leadership skills and be a part of a community where we empower women and encourage them to flourish.
NOTE: All years are encouraged to apply except 1st years who are encouraged to join as a Mentee.
If you want to apply to be a Mentor, click on the link below and fill out the mandatory information before the application deadline. After you have filled out the information, we will send you an email to complete the Central Peer Training online modules and dates for the in-person training day. You will then receive your Mentee information shortly after. NOTE: If you miss this deadline for applying, email the WISSOC email address and we can help you.
Applications will be open towards the end of this year.
More information
Women In Science Society
Rabita Ahmed, President
Rhea Krishnan, Vice President
Email: [email protected]