We are running two groups designed for neurodivergent students in Term 1 2025:

  • Body Doubling (a study group for all neurodivergent students that is both online and in-person at Kensington campus)
  • Connections Club (a social group for autistic students or students who have autistic traits that is in-person at Kensington campus)

You can read more about the groups, times/locations and what to expect below. You do not have to attend every session or be registered with Equitable Learning Services to join sessions. Just show up when you can! 

Questions: Email [email protected] 


🌟 Body Doubling Sessions 🌟 

a group of 5 students sitting around a table with their university work, with text that reads "study and work alongside other neurodivergent students at UNSW to maximise your productivity"

Are you a neurodivergent student eager to boost your academic productivity? Join us for Body Doubling sessions, designed to provide a sense of accountability and the right amount of social pressure and structure.  

Body doubling is considered beneficial to ADHDers by people with lived experience and experts but may be helpful to anyone looking to improve productivity.

What to Expect

🀝 Supportive Environment: Connect with peers who understand your neurotype without the need for explanations or judgments.  

✨ Flexible Atmosphere: We will follow a loose structure of:  

  • 10-minute check-in 
  • 25-30 minute sprint 
  • 5 minute brain dump  
  • 10 minute brain break 
  • 25-30 minute sprint 
  • 5 minute brain dump  

Sessions are hybrid.  

⏲️Visual Supports: We will display a visual timer.  

We know everyone has different preferences for getting their work done, so we will have coloured sticky dots on hand that allow you to signal your body doubling preferences to staff.   

🟒 Help me break down my tasks into more manageable steps  

🟑 Check in with me periodically to make sure I’m on task  

πŸ”΄ Please do not disturb me 

Term 1 2025 Details 

πŸ“… When: Tuesdays

πŸ•™Time: 11am - 12:30pm  

πŸ“Where: The meeting point is Kensington campus at the John Goodsell building Ground floor waiting area. Please check-in with the concierge on arrival and let them know you are here for the "Equitable Learning Services (ELS) Body Doubling Session." Take a seat and an ELS staff member will escort you to the meeting room.

πŸ’» If you would like to join via Teams, please email [email protected] using your university email account and request to "Join Body Doubling online" at least 24 hours prior to the session date. 

Week of Term 1



February 11

Week 1

February 18

Week 2

February 25

Week 3

March 4

Week 4

March 11

Week 5

March 18

Week 6

March 25

Week 7

April 1

Week 8

April 8

Week 9

April 15

Week 10

April 22

Study Period

April 29

🌟 Connections Club 🌟 

a group of 5 students playing jenga with the text "join other autistic students at UNSW for games, activities and support"

Are you an autistic student eager to make connections on campus? Join us for our next Connections Club, a collaboration between Equitable Learning Services and Psychology and Wellness to support community-building and placemaking for autistic students. 

What to Expect

🀝 Supportive Environment: Connect with peers who understand your neurotype without the need for explanations or judgments. We're here to uplift and empower each other. 

✨ Engaging Conversations and Activities: From shared interests to navigating university life, our discussions cover a wide range of topics in a relaxed atmosphere. We will also have some social games and activities on offer (e.g. role play, mindfulness colouring sheets, UNO, card games). Participation in each activity is optional. 

We know everyone has different communication preferences, so we will have coloured sticky dots on hand that allow you to signal your communication preferences to others.  

🟒 A green sticky dot signifies you will engage in conversation with anyone 

🟑 A yellow sticky dot signifies you wish to engage in short communication with people you already know 

πŸ”΄ A red sticky dot signifies that you do not currently wish to communicate with anyone 

Term 1 2025 Details

πŸ“… When: Wednesdays

πŸ•™Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM (Drop by anytime in the hour) 

πŸ“Where: Kensington campus at the John Goodsell building Level 1 Room 102/103 (take the lift to Level 1, exit and turn right through the glass sliding door)

Note: If you have difficulty accessing the room please check-in with the concierge on the Ground Floor of Goodsell and ask them to let Equitable Learning Services (ELS) know that you are here for Connections Club. 

Week of Term 1


Week 2

February 26

Week 4

March 12

Week 7

April 2

Week 9

April 16

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