This is a list of enrolment error messages that you might encounter in myUNSW.

Please contact The Nucleus: Student Hub, if you need help with resolving a particular error.

For a list of common terms and their meaning, see the UNSW Glossary.

Error #1 - Not eligible to enrol for term

You are not active in the term you selected. This may be because you are on leave, have completed, or have withdrawn from your program. Check that you are attempting to enrol for the correct term. If you still have a problem, contact your program authority.

Error #5 - Already enrolled in class, Add not processed

Your enrolment request was not processed because you are already enrolled in the class. Check your enrolment status for the class by viewing your class timetable. If you were trying to change components within a course, please select the Swap button next to the course and then change components by selecting the Proceed to Enrol option.

Error #7 - Not enrolled, class [class name] full

Your enrolment has not been processed because the class (lecture, tutorial or lab) you chose is full. If the class appears to have vacancies, this may be because quotas have been reserved for other groups (e.g. students from other faculties or programs). Please visit our webpage on how to join Course and Class waitlists.

Error #17 - Time scheduling conflict for class [class name] and [class name], not enrolled

Your enrolment request was not processed because of a timetabling clash. The class you were trying to enrol in overlaps partially or completely with a class you are already enrolled in. If you wish to enrol in this class and drop the class with which it clashes, use the Swap function. If you believe you have good reason to enrol in both classes, submit a Timetable Clash Enrolment request online.

Error #18 - Requisites not met for class, not enrolled

Your enrolment request was not processed because you have not met the requirements (e.g. prerequisite, co-requisite) for the class. You should choose another class. If you believe you have met the requirements (through study at UNSW or at another institution), or have a special need to enrol in the class, submit a Requisite Waiver request online.

Error #19 - Co-requisites not met for class, not enrolled

You were not enrolled in the class because co-requisites were not satisfied. You must submit co-requisite classes together in the one enrolment submission.

Error #20 - Class taken previously, repeat not allowed

Your enrolment request was not processed because you were attempting to enrol in a class belonging to a course you have already taken and satisfactorily completed. You are not permitted to take the class again for credit. You should choose another class. If you believe this is incorrect, or if you have a special need to enrol in the class, contact The Nucleus: Student Hub.

Error #30 - Maximum term unit load exceeded

Your enrolment request was not processed because adding the class would have put you above the maximum number of units of credit you can take for this term. You should choose another class with a lower unit value, or swap one of the classes you are already enrolled in (using the Swap option). If you believe you have a special need to overload (i.e. enrol in more than more than the normal maximum number of units for your program), submit an Overload Studies request online. For example, you may need to overload this term in order to complete the requirements to graduate with your degree.

Error #32 - Enrolment is not allowed for this class: it is outside the career of study

Your enrolment request was not processed because the class does not meet the enrolment rules for your career.

  • Students in one career (e.g. undergraduate) are generally not allowed to enrol in courses of another career (e.g. postgraduate).
  • Students in some programs are not permitted to enrol in particular subject areas.
  • Students at UNSW Canberra at ADFA campus are not allowed to enrol in courses offered at Kensington and the College of Fine Arts.
  • Students at Kensington and the College of Fine Arts campuses are not allowed to enrol in courses offered at UNSW Canberra at ADFA.

If you believe you have a special need to enrol in this class, contact The Nucleus: Student Hub.

Error #34 - Already enrolled in the 'To' class of the swap transaction, Swap not processed

You are already enrolled in the class you attempted to swap to. The swap was not processed. Check the class number and try again.

Error #38 - [class name] to enrol in class, Add not processed

You need school consent to enrol in this class. Contact The Nucleus: Student Hub  if you wish to request consent or if you believe this is incorrect.

Error #82 - The enrolment process engine encountered a fatal error - contact your administrator

Call 9385 1333 to find out if there is a system-wide problem. If there is not, double check by attempting the transaction again and, if necessary, contact The Nucleus: Student Hub

Error #86 - Swap not processed, Hold on record

The class swap was not processed because you have an action item on your record. Remember to clear your enrolment action items before attempting to enrol for a term. Instructions on how to clear each action item appear on your myUNSW Home tab. Remove your action items then try again.

Error #87 - Hold on record, Add not processed

Your enrolment request was not processed because there is an action item on your record, e.g. a library fines block, a fees block, or another step in the enrolment process that must be completed first. Instructions on how to clear each action item appear on your myUNSW Home tab. Remove your actions then try again.

Error #91 - Maximum semester unit load exceeded

Your enrolment request was not processed because it would have put you over your maximum unit load for this semester. Submit an Overload Studies request online for permission to overload or swap this class for another you are already enrolled in, or drop another class so that you can add this one.

Error #118 - Cannot Drop, grade present

You cannot drop this class because you have been assigned a grade.

Error #133 - Permission to enrol in this class is required

Your enrolment request was not processed because departmental permission is required to enrol in this class. Request enrolment assistance from The Nucleus: Student Hub 

Error #143 - Class [class name] is full, reassigned to class [class name]

The class you chose of that component type (lab or tutorial etc.) is full. You have been automatically enrolled in an alternative class.

Error #145 - Duplicate Add transaction, transaction not processed

The Add transaction request is identical to a prior transaction within this enrolment request. The transaction was ignored (because you have already added the class.)

Error #146 - Multiple enrolment not allowed for course, Add not processed

You are already enrolled in this course; multiple enrolment for this course is not allowed. The transaction was not processed.

Error #147 - Course previously taken and may be subject to institutional repeat policy

Your enrolment request has been processed, however, because you have previously taken this course, the repeat enrolment is subject to repeat check processes after grade submission.

Error #157 - Unable to process Drop, Hold on record

The drop was not processed because you have an action item on your record e.g. a library fines block, a fees block, or another step in the enrolment process that must be completed first. Instructions on how to clear each action item appear on your myUNSW Home tab. Remove your action items and then try again.

Error #158 - Swap not processed, grade present on 'From' class

The swap was not processed because you have been assigned a grade for the class you were attempting to swap from, and you cannot drop it.

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