2024 Domestic Fee Paying Tuition Fees

The amounts displayed are the cost, per unit of credit (UOC). 48 UOC is the standard full-time load for one year and most courses at UNSW are worth 6 UOC each.

Architecture course fees

Course Details Cost per unit of credit
Prefix Discipline Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate
ARCH Architecture $985 $745
BEIL BE Interdisciplinary Learning $975 $745
BENV Built Environment $975 $745
BLDG Building $975 $745
CODE Computational Design $975 na
CONS Construction Management na $745
GENR Built Environment General Education $975 na
IDES Industrial Design $975 $745
INTA Interior Architecture $975 $745
LAND Landscape Architecture $975 $745
PLAN Planning & Urban Development $975 $745
MUPS Urban Policy & Strategy na $745
REST Real Estate na $745
SUSD Sustainable Development na $745
SUSS Sustainable Development na $745
UDES Urban Development Studies na $745

Arts course fees

Course Details Cost per unit of credit
Prefix Discipline Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate
ARTS Arts $880 $645
ASIA Asian Studies $880 $645
AUST Australian Studies $880 na
CHIN Chinese $880 $645
COMD Comparative Development $880 $645
CRWT Creative Writing $880 na
DANC Dance $880 na
EDST Education $925 $645
ENGL English $880 $645
ENVP Environmental Policy and Management $880 na
EURO European Studies $880 na
FADA FADA $880 $645
FILM Film Studies $880 na
FREN French $880 na
GENT Arts and Social Science General Education $880 na
GERS German Studies $880 na
GLST Global Studies $880 na
GREK Greek Studies $880 na
HIST History $880 $645
HPSC Humanities and Languages $880 $645
HUMS Arts Administration $885 $645
IEST Environmental Studies na $645
INDO Indonesian Studies $880 na
INST International Studies $880 na
INTD Interdisciplinary Studies $880 $645
IREL International Relations $880 na
ITAL Italian $880 na
JAPN Japanese Studies $880 $645
KORE Korean Studies $880 na
LING Linguistics $880 $645
MDCM Media and Communications $880 na
MDIA Media $880 $645
MEFT Media, Film and Theatre $880 $645
MODL Modern Language Studies $880 $645
MUSC Music and Music Education $880 $645
PHIL Philosophy $880 $645
POLS Politics and International Relations $880 $645
PPEC Philosophy, Politics and Economics $925 na
SLSP Social Science and Policy na $645
SOCA Sociology and Anthropology $880 $645
SOCF Social Work na $645
SOCW Social Work $880 $645
SOSS Social Sciences $880 na
SPAN Spanish and Latin American Studies $880 na
SRAP Social Research and Policy $880 $645
WOMS Women's Studies $880 na

Design course fees

Course details Cost per unit of credit
Prefix Discipline Under­grad­uate Post­grad­uate
ADAD Art & Design $890 $740
DART Domain Art $890 $740
DDES Domain Design $890 $740
COFA Art & Design $890 $740
GEND Art & Design General Education $890 na
SAED Art Education $890 $740
SAHT Art History $890 $740
SART Art $890 $740
SDES Design Studies $890 $740
SOMA Media Arts $890 $740

In addition to tuition fees, UNSW will charge a Student Services & Amenities Fee

See also

How to calculate fees

  • Current students can access fees on the Fee Statement in myUNSW at the beginning of each teaching period.
  • Course fees can also be calculated by multiplying the cost by the total unit of credit (UOC). You can find the UOC values in the Handbook.

Fees are charged at the course's level of study (i.e. undergraduate / postgraduate / research). This means that if you are a postgraduate student undertaking an undergraduate subject, you will be charged at the undergraduate rate. For example:

Example 1: A postgraduate student enrolling in an undergraduate course such as EDST2070 which has a value of 6 UOC: The fee for this course will be $925 x 6 = $5,550 which is charged at the undergraduate rate.

Example 2: A postgraduate student enrolling in a postgraduate course such as EDST5130 which has a value of 6 UOC: The fee for this course will be $645 x 6 = $3,870 which is charged at the postgraduate rate.

Note about fees

UNSW reserves the right to vary student fees during enrolment in line with relevant legislation. The table above shows indicative tuition fee amounts.

The fees listed on this table are in Australian dollars (AUD). Tuition fees are reviewed annually and may increase each year. UNSW makes every attempt to ensure that all information is current but reserves the right to amend any or all of the information above without notice in response to changing circumstances.

Students are charged tuition at the rate corresponding to the year of the Census date applicable to their enrolment in a course.

All tuition and related payments are due at the beginning of each term/semester (unless otherwise stated) and must be paid by the Due Date for Payment.

Fees from prior years

Archived fees

Financial assistance

Commonwealth assistance

Summer term fees

For courses offered in summer

Incidental fees

For goods/services incidental to study

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