On this page you can find contact details for the UNSW Graduations Team, a glossary with definitions of common graduation terms and answers to frequently asked questions about graduation.


Contact the UNSW Graduations Team:

For the contact details of academic dress hire, photography, DVD, plaque, framing and gift shop, please see graduation service providers.


Glossary of commons terms

Common words used in relation to graduation such as: Apostille, Conferral, Graduand...
  • Academic Transcript:
    Your academic transcript lists all of your courses, marks and grades. It also lists any prizes or Dean’s Awards you have received.

  • Alumni:
    Graduates of a university or school. From the Latin, meaning "pupil". This is a plural, masculine noun; the masculine singular form is alumnus, the feminine alumna.

  • Apostille:
    The authentication of a document issued in one country for legal purposes in others; an international certification comparable to a notarisation in domestic law.

  • Conferral:
    The administrative process by which your degree is awarded. You are considered a graduate of UNSW once your conferral date has passed. Awards are conferred monthly. The conferral process is separate from the graduation ceremony and does not affect your entitlement to attend the graduation ceremony. The ceremony is the public celebration of your significant achievement, a chance to celebrate with your peers, teachers and family, and for your official documents to be bestowed on you by the Chancellor.

  • Graduand:
    A person who is about to be graduated or to receive a university award.

  • Graduate:
    A person who has had their award conferred on them.

  • In Absentia:
    A Latin term meaning "in the absence of".

  • Testamur:
    The certificate commemorating the completion of your award. From the Latin, meaning "we testify" or "we are witness".

  • AHEGS:
    Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement assists in recognition of Australian qualifications and promotes international mobility and professional recognition of graduates.
  • Post-nominals:
    The abbreviation of your award name, e.g. "BA" for Bachelor of Arts.

What is included in my graduation fee?

Your $225 graduation fee includes:

  • 3 x guest tickets 
  • Hire of your academic dress
  • A trencher (or bonnet for PhD graduates) for you to keep 
  • A digital copy of your professional stage photo 
  • Livestream of your ceremony

We have also introduced exciting changes to improve the overall graduation experience this year, including:

  • An enhanced post-ceremony celebration, where you and your guests can celebrate your achievements with refreshments and entertainment
  • Revamped venue and celebration spaces, including more activations and photo moments to capture your special day
  • A more seamless graduation that will see the day run smoother for you and your guests 

I'm a dual degree student. Which ceremony do I attend?

Students in dual degree programs such as Arts/Law or Commerce/Science, if they are graduating from both degrees in the same graduation period, attend only one ceremony. You will be allocated to the ceremony of the Faculty that administers your program.

For example, combined BA LLB graduates are allocated to a Faculty of Law ceremony. BSc BA students are allocated to a Faculty of Science ceremony.

Can I change the date of my graduation ceremony?

We are open to requests, but ask you to note that this is usually not possible. If you wish to attend a later ceremony, please see the next question.

I want to attend a later round of ceremonies. What do I do?

You may request to attend a ceremony in a graduation period after your allocated ceremony. To attend a later ceremony, go to your myUNSW Graduation Details and change your attend type to "Not Attending - mail', and ensure your mailing address is correct as we will send your documents to you after your scheduled ceremony.

Approximately 3 months prior to the graduation ceremony you would like to attend, please email [email protected] to request to return to attend a ceremony.

Can we take photos/videos during the graduation ceremony?

Yes, however you are asked not to cross the centre aisle or get in the way of graduates. The use of tripods inside the auditorium is prohibited.

A photo of each graduand is taken as they receive their testamur from the Chancellor. The stage photographs can be ordered from Ambassador Productions - see the Graduations services page for details.

How do I obtain a Completion Letter?

Once your degree status is 'Awarded' you can request an Award Statement. This Statement shows when you completed your program and when you will graduate. You can use this Statement as an invitation for visa purposes.

You can also Request an Award and Enrolment Statement

Seating requirements

Should you or your guests require accessible seating during the ceremony, please email us to make appropriate arrangements at [email protected]

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