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Student stories

Hear from Khushaal Vyas & Regie Anne Gardoce as they outline their experiences studying at UNSW's Faculty of Law & Justice.

Khushaal says he chose Law at UNSW based on the Faculty's pursuit of social justice, something he feels very passionate about.

Regie Anne discusses her Practical Legal Training (PLT) experience, an essential requirement for admission as a lawyer in Australia.

Khushaal Vyas

Khushaal says the Law Faculty's social justice projects and initiatives provided some of the most memorable and rewarding aspects of his degree.

Regie Anne Gardoce

Regie Anne outlines her experience in the PLT program, a unique career-enhancing program offered at UNSW. Download the brochure to find out more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Careers and internships

UNSW Law & Justice has a dedicated Career Service, offered exclusively to UNSW Law & Justice students to assist you in maximising your employability in whatever career path you choose to pursue.

UNSW Law & Justice Career Service


What opportunities are available to students through UNSW Law & Justice Careers?

UNSW Law & Justice is committed to supporting students and our dedicated Law & Justice Careers Service is available to assist you. Our UNSW Law & Justice Careers team offers seminars on preparing for clerkships and graduate positions, drafting job applications and career planning. We also host panel discussions throughout the year showcasing a broad range of legal industry professionals to keep our students informed about current and emerging issues with the legal industry. Find out more.


What opportunities are available to International students through UNSW Law & Justice Careers?

UNSW Law & Justice are committed to supporting international students through a range of tailored activities and initiatives. Our Law & Justice Careers Service has an engaged network across the faculty, university, and industry, and can make appropriate recommendations and referrals to services and opportunities that meet our students individualised needs. Additionally, students can be supported with preparing to enter the Australian job market, by leveraging their diverse skills and perspective that we know our employers’ value.


What career opportunities are there after getting a law degree?

A law degree opens up a wide range of career opportunities in a myriad fields.

At UNSW Law & Justice we prepare our students for careers in business, media, the arts, science, education, engineering and government. Our alumni include judges, barristers, partners and solicitors in leading law firms, politicians, entertainers, academics and some of the most dedicated public sector and community sector lawyers in Australia.


How can I find out more about internships?

Please keep in contact with your course convenors and discipline directors through Moodle for updates on internships available to you. Check out the UNSW Law & Justice internships page for more information and current internships available.

Course and class enrolment

When do course outlines become available and when does course content get released?

You should receive this information in week one of term through Moodle.


What should I do if a class I want to enrol in is already full?

You may find a class is full or on a waitlist for a course that has already met its enrolment capacity, if this has happened to you please reach out to us and we will do what we can to see if we can find space in the course for you or provide an alternative solution. Please reach out to the Nucleus Student Hub to discuss your options.


Who do I speak to about transferring course credits from another degree?

Credit will be assessed by student services and it is important that students submit their application for credit as early as possible (via Students can refer to the MyLaw student intranet ( to see what they might be eligible for prior to submitting their application, or they can contact student services:


When should students select their courses for every term? Are there any notifications about when to select courses? If some core courses are at capacity and those courses are prerequisites to later courses, what is the advice for students?

Regarding enrolment/course selection, UNSW moved to annual enrolment when 3+ was introduced in 2019 and this allows students to enrol for an entire year in the courses they intend to complete each term. Annual enrolment usually opens around October. In addition to annual enrolment, students must class register for their classes each term, this is when you pick the class times you wish to attend. Class registration opens 2-3 months before the start of each term.

It is recommended that students enrol and class register as early as possible to avoid disappointment. In the event that students miss out on enrolling in a particular course, they can submit a full class request to student services who will endeavour to assist (via The University sends out numerous communications about the various enrolment and class registration deadlines however, students should also familiarise themselves with the UNSW academic calendar


I am interested in exchange. Can I have some more details about this?

As a UNSW Law & Justice student, you can study overseas on an international exchange at leading universities around the world. UNSW students do not pay any additional tuition fees to the overseas host institution and your courses will be credited to your degree.

Completing part of your law program at an overseas institution is both a culturally rewarding and intellectually enriching experience. Students are eligible to go on exchange in their fourth or fifth year of an undergraduate degree; during the second or third year of a Juris Doctor (JD) program; or after you have completed 24 UOC in the Master of Laws. 

Start planning your overseas experience for when borders open again! We partner with a number of universities across the UK (and across the world!), search for the current list of partner unis here:

Subscribe to the Learning Abroad News to receive regular updates on exchange information sessions and other international experiences including virtual and online opportunities:

Clubs and societies

How can I get to know other students in a social way?

Start by engaging with your peers and embrace group assignments, this is a great way to meet like-minded students. You can also join one of the many clubs and societies on campus and join online events that UNSW Arc run.

UNSW Law & Justice have three dedicated student societies which you can join:


Where can I find a list of other clubs and societies at UNSW?

Arc is our hub for student life, volunteering, events and clubs and societies. Check out their website or follow them on Facebook and Instagram, there are opportunities for everyone!

Key links and contacts

How can I contact UNSW Law & Justice for questions about study, academic support, financial support or health and wellbeing support?

Visit the UNSW Law & Justice Website’s useful contacts page, our friendly staff can assist you with any enquiries. The Law & Justice Student Services team are also available to help, ask a question anytime here.


More key links and contacts

More support

UNSW Law & Justice

UNSW Law & Justice provides all the support you’ll need to do your best in your studies and to make your studies fulfilling.

We’re committed to fostering a learning environment that provides our students with a world-class legal education.

We've got your back with study and academic support and financial aid, as well as health and wellbeing support.

If you have any questions about your program or would like to arrange a face-to-face meeting with one of our Program Directors, they can be contacted below.

Contacts in UNSW Law & Justice





International students

Peer advice

Hear from other UNSW Law & Justice students to help you prep for the start of your studies.

If you need support with readings and assessments throughout term, head to a UNSW Law & Justice Study Hall to get help from senior law students.

Discover more programs and services in our International Students Welcome Guide.

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